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Deny it if you will, but you'll watch EPI in 3D


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I'm a longtime fan of Star Wars (1977).


I was disappointed by ESB, saddened by ROTJ, disgusted by TPM, and left cold by SITC. Never bothered to watch ROTS in English (we tried it in spanish on cable in hopes that that would make it almost tolerable, but had to turn it off after a half hour).


Not only will I not watch "EP1" in 3D, I won't watch any other SW film other than George's accidental 1977 masterpiece, ever. There are too many good films in the world to waste any of my time rewatching bad ones that I hated the first time.


For a worthwhile film that builds on the ideas in the mythos but isn't in the franchise, I recommend a Thai film called Legend of the Tsunami Warrior. It's what Star Wars should have been, even surpassing the 1977 film.

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Why on earth would anyone have expected it to make blockbuster level money? It's a 13 year old film. It's already made it's budget back in spades. So a mediocre showing 13 years after it's release isn't that bad.

Keep telling yourself that after a weekend when your precious film got its *** handed to it by a lousy romance film that likely had a lower budget than it took to keep Lucas in cups of coffee.


Now, what I'd like to know is how much it cost them to do the 3D conversion on it, and then stack that against the gross and see how much of this is actually profit, or if they lost money.

Well, if Lucas announces that the other films aren't going to be re-released in 3D, that should be indicative enough about the cost-profit ratio.

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23 million and #4 in the box office is excellent for a 13 year old movie. Seriously, all of this hate is warping some people's take on reality.

Like I said, it restores *some* faith in humanity to see that Ep 1 didn't attract more suckers than it did. Of course, considering that all of the top 4 films were critically-panned, it just means that those suckers paid to see crap films other than Ep 1.

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Like I said, it restores *some* faith in humanity to see that Ep 1 didn't attract more suckers than it did. Of course, considering that all of the top 4 films were critically-panned, it just means that those suckers paid to see crap films other than Ep 1.


Perhaps you stuffy, elitist "I know what's best for everybody else" types should get out more. :p

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Perhaps you stuffy, elitist "I know what's best for everybody else" types should get out more. :p

It didn't take long before the good old appeal-to-emotion argumentative fallacy came into play. If it weren't for the "stuffy, elitist" types, humanity would still be wallowing in the Stone Age. Critical thinking: it won't hurt you, I promise.

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It didn't take long before the good old appeal-to-emotion argumentative fallacy came into play. If it weren't for the "stuffy, elitist" types, humanity would still be wallowing in the Stone Age. Critical thinking: it won't hurt you, I promise.


If you can call hanging around on forums bashing a 13 year old movie that you've had plenty of time to get over "critical thinking." I call it holding a borderline psychotic grudge myself.

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I wear glasses, and while my eyes are just fine with the glasses, when I put on the 3D glasses, I see double and end up coming out with a headache.


Right there with you.


Also, I don't really want to ruin my glasses by putting another pair of glasses on top of them.


All that aside, one groovy lightsaber fight (and I love that fight!) does not a good movie make.

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If you can call hanging around on forums bashing a 13 year old movie that you've had plenty of time to get over "critical thinking." I call it holding a borderline psychotic grudge myself.

Since you clearly have no idea what critical thinking is yet, I'll take what you just said into consideration for 2 seconds before utterly dismissing it.

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Since you clearly have no idea what critical thinking is yet, I'll take what you just said into consideration for 2 seconds before utterly dismissing it.


Yes, ok there Einstein. You keep patting yourself on the back for being a cantankerous know-it-all, and keep telling us how intelligent that allegedly makes you. Meanwhile, I'll keep enjoying Star Wars instead of frequenting SW sites posing as some sort of film expert with the goal of carrying a grudge over a decade old. If being that bitter brings you so much joy, who am I to stop you? Keep buying those non-Lucas created SW products (such as this game) while still giving him your money, and keep telling yourself you're the intellectual. Enjoy.

Edited by Jmannseelo
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Yes, ok there Einstein. You keep patting yourself on the back for being a cantankerous know-it-all, and keep telling us how intelligent that allegedly makes you. Meanwhile, I'll keep enjoying Star Wars instead of frequenting SW sites posing as some sort of film expert with the goal of carrying a grudge over a decade old. If being that bitter brings you so much joy, who am I to stop you? Keep buying those non-Lucas SW products while still giving him your money, and keep telling yourself you're the intellectual. Enjoy.

Awww, did I hit a sore spot with you? Sorry about that, sometimes critical thinking makes it hard to interact with those who either can't or won't employ it.

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As a long time SW fan, reading the cannon, watching all of the movies repeatedly and playing this game and even SWG prior - I think you will watch the movie regardless.


I agree that there are parts of EPI that annoy and demean the vision of the universe we envision. But the prequels were still entertaining and gave some visual reinforcement to what we imagined. Many think that what was created and delivered to us may have been presented in a better light, but it is what it is, to see Maul battling in 3D will be amazing.


The only thing that I really dislike is how Lucas decided to bastardize the Mandorlian lore. The Republic Commando series was by far the most intriguing and entertaining literature thus far. Excited to watch the movies in 3D, even if I wish we'd see additional storyline on the bigscreen and not in animation.


I can guarantee you that I won't be seeing one of the worst big budget movies of all time even if it is in 3d this time around. I'll bet money on the fact that I won't go see it.

Edited by DarylMusashi
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Did you really just use the "No, you are!" argument on me? It seems that I vastly overestimated your wit- oh wait, no I didn't.





Trust me, the feeling is decidedly mutual. You talk loud, but say absolutely nothing aside from the same old buttsore nerdrage.

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I've been through the cycle with these. Hate, hate, accept them for what they are.


I really enjoyed seeing it again in the theater and the 3D was better than expected.


I'd never rate the movie more than 7/10 overall but there's a lot of good stuff in there and all these years later the pod racing especially is still cool.

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