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Got in the game today, check who is, and seen a bunch lvl 40+


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I was in beta for 7 months, not much has changed.


People are still using the exploits.


Guild support isnt there, the guild is in chaos because of the staggered launch.


No crossfire support, no AA support


the list keeps going..


After lvl 25 your going to find yourself bored as heck.


enjoy your game, peace


I love these posts...game is fail, but I wanted day one access anyway. Makes sense. :rolleyes:

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So you cancelled a game that you pre-ordered because someone else is a higher level than you?


That's... kind of sad.


Who knows if it's going to be a big deal at all. However during the beta builds it was pretty frustrating to be farmed in warzones by the power-grinders who got to 50 in a day then shortly after were maxxed out in PvP gear. You literally stand no chance against a premade of 4 of them and they'd be in the warzone queue non-stop.


In the last beta build they made it even worse by dramatically increasing the grind to acquire the top end PvP gear and linking it to daily missions. Thus there were ~10 people on the server who were geared up and then they made it so that there wasn't a chance anyone else would reach that state before the end of the beta.


Like I said, who knows if it's going to be a big deal and if you don't PvP and only care about farming space dragons with your buddies then it's a total non-factor. To someone that likes to PvP and would rather level up in the warzones it could be a pretty big bummer.


It's seriously un-fun to get facerolled in warzones because the game is so heavily gear based. Receiving a fraction of the xp/comms, making the it even more difficult to get on the same footing as the early grinders is even more un-fun. When you know that the people farming you got a head start and potentially got a much quicker/easier ride to that level the competitive side of the game is seriously impacted.


I do feel bad for people who are stuck joining launch servers because their friends / guildmates have been playing on them for days. I think Bioware really screwed up that aspect of the launch. Luckily, all the people I intend to play with will be hopping on a new server around the same time I do.


It does kind of blow a big one. About half our guild is in, the other half is SOL.

Edited by getdownsb
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I was in beta for 7 months, not much has changed.


People are still using the exploits.


Guild support isnt there, the guild is in chaos because of the staggered launch.


No crossfire support, no AA support


the list keeps going..


After lvl 25 your going to find yourself bored as heck.


enjoy your game, peace


Ahhh...You mad bro?

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