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Can't complete Need to Impress


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So ya, my Knight does the objectives he was told and when I return to the Ambassador, the conversation you get that starts the quest loops again, thus preventing any further progress. Bioware gave it's normal automated crap so I'm asking the players. Is there anyway to bypass this or am I screwed till Bioware get's off their butts and fixes the problem?
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It's a bug since 1.1.2, not much you can do about it I'm afraid. I just hit this content too and I decided to stick to the class quests, you can make up the EXP disparity though if you're not bothered for the story too much.

Thank you, now let's hope Bioware fixes this asap so I can continue my Knight, guess I'll roll my Warrior till this is fixed.

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What pisses me off is its not abandonable Im forced to come back after I hit 50 this should of been fixed already only time iv felt that blizzard is better since in wow a main quest like this would be fixed already but then again wow don't have unabandonable quests to begin with
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