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New Ilum - another redesign idea


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This is only an idea.

I'm tired of how Ilum currently is. There's faction unbalance and there is no real solid objectives.


New proposal:

1) Ilum will be a 30 minute battle every 3 hours. The purpose of this will be so that people that want to do Ilum will all go into it maximizing players of both factions. Of course there should be a 1:1 ratio in which for example if theres 27 republics and 40 empire, the match will be a 27 vs 27. Another thing that could be done is a tenacity buff not as potent as Wintergrasp's.



2) Ilum will be drastically smaller. By drastic, i mean 1 assault point. The new objective is a king of the hill style. Whoever owns the middle longest wins overall. To capture the node, it should be whoever has the most players standing on the node will slowly capturing it. The more people there are, the faster it should be.


2a) Defenders of King of the hill will get increased valor gain every "x" amount of minutes however, they will be getting a stacked decreasing maximized percentage health debuff every "x" amount of minutes. What this aims to do is that with this valor buff and health debuff, attackers will eventually have a chance to take over the middle and want to defend to get maximized valor. Thus it becomes a tug-a-war and consistant fighting on getting the node which is what PVP is all about.


2a example) Empire owns the node for 5 minutes, their valor buff gives them increased valor by 125% however, their maximized hp is reduced by 25%. Every additional minute will increase valor by 25% and reduce their maximized hp by 5%. This will allow republic be able to own the nodes easier as time progresses. However as defenders, its more rewarding if you own the node longer. Once republic owns the node, republic will start getting increased valor and reduced max HP every minute they own the node while empire's buff/debuff will be wiped clean.



3) Every time a faction wins, their next Ilum fight they will have decreased overall stats of "x" percent. While the losing faction's next Ilum will have an 5% increase to all stats. What this allows is that a faction cannot dominate Ilum all day. Well technically you can but it gets harder.


3 example) Republic wins their Ilum for the day, In the next battle (3 hours later), they will start with a 5% all stat decrease. The empire on the other hand have a 5% stat increase. Republic and Empire fight and Republic win again. In the next battle (another 3 hours later), Republic will have a 10% all stat decrease while empire has a 10% stat increase. Republic and Empire fight again and Empire wins. In the next battle (3 hours later), Empire will have a 5% stat decrease while republic will have a 5% stat increase.



4) Rewards, Currently as of right now, everytime you capture an assault point you get a buff that carries over to warzones. I think that this should still be the case except Winners get a 3 hours Buff that in Warzone wins, they get 300 bonus valor and 10 bonus recommendation after every warzone. While losers get a 100 bonus valor and 5 bonus recommendations after every warzone.



5) Dailies are a pain in the butt right now and I have driving around to find armaments. I think that the new Ilum daily should be a win a single Ilum fight a day and participate in 50 kills (prevent AFKers from getting their daily done).



In conclusion I think this would be a decent Ilum thing that would include actual PVP. Please comment on any other ideas or suggestions or if you just like it or hate it.

Edited by Lasian
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