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A Sith Warrior: 2 Stories


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Hey all,


I've decided to make 2 sith warriors after I found the Jedi Guardian too difficult to play (I'll play a juggernaut, then try again). One will be a juggernaut, the other a marauder. One will romance Vette and be more light-side, and the other will romance Dark Jaesa and be very dark-side. First question: I can't decide which should be the marauder and which should be the juggernaut. I'm thinking light-juggernaut and dark-marauder, but I'm not sure yet.


The lighter SW is more neutral in the conflict between the republic and empire. He thinks that the Jedi are cowards for not using their emotions, which can be a powerful tool, but he thinks that the sith are fools who use their strong emotions to blind themselves and make stupid mistakes that get them killed. He really just wants to protect himself and his friends, and live how he wants.


The darker SW is cold and calculating. He keeps his emotions hidden, and funnels them out through battle and gains the advantage in combat by using his rage, but not showing it otherwise. He's loyal to the empire, willing to punish those who fail him, is consistantly insolent and rude to Darth Baras, and utterly ruthless.


So, I'd basically like to level both, but I can't decide which spec should be which warrior, or which one to level first. What's your two cents?

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My juggernaut was light but I didn't really have any particular justification for it. I guess if you're going with the guy who protects his loved ones than jugg makes sense, as does the marauder who enjoys hurting people.


My only warning though is that it might be difficult to rp a light warrior who doesn't care about the empire vs republic conflict. It's sort of shoe horned in there as being one of the biggest motivations for the light sided warrior: his/her love of the empire.

Edited by grania
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Yeah, it's difficult. Perhaps I could tweak it a little bit (the independence comes from my playing a Bounty Hunter who thought the empire were overconfident idiots). Perhaps the light SW isn't so much anti-empire as he is anti-sith. He respects the empire and intends to lead them, but he is condescending and thinks lower of all the other members of the sith order.
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