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Stuff IMO should be looked at....


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IMO (In my opinion). Welcome to all criticism/l2p jokes/flame


Coupe things that I think are not game breaking per say, but def should be looked at



I really think that they should enable knockbacks when getting hit on. It's pretty stupid IMO that a healer or any ranged can sit there and spam a skill w/o consequences when being hit on. Yes I know there is plenty of interupts and what not, but they do have CDs.


Auto Turn

Really??? I think this is something that should never be enabled in any mmo. I understand there are noobs out there that can't take the time to learn to swivel the mouse in the direction that your opponent is going in. Yes I do play a melee and I consider myself pretty good at circle strafing. It should depend on skill, cause what good are melee then if they are moving around and getting hit regardless. We should all just go play some ranged/tanky class


Tank Mits and/or DPS

I do think something is wrong here, a tank class should not be throwing out 5-6k+ crits, your a tank. Your supposed to be hard to kill not hard to kill and spike half my health in 1 hit. Either cut their mits to make up for their damage, or cut their damage. lol really BW??


CC Breaks

With the amount of CC that is in this game, Unleash or what ever your CC break is. It shouldn't be on a 2m Timer. Or at least add some sort of CC immunity to stuns/mezzes etc. for 10s after it.


I am sure there is plenty of other stuff, but this is some of the stuff that I really think needs to be toned down or reworked.....

Edited by OpenConflict
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When you can't run through me, I'll give up auto turn.......


Why should you be able to run through me and negate my attack......


Sounds like you just want an auto-win button against ranged.


Because I out moved you. Have you ever even seen any good ranged mouse turners? Obviously not.


I beat ranged quite a big regardless of auto turn

Edited by OpenConflict
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