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Deadly Saber - GCD Bug


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Has anyone else noticed that when you use deadly saber there are random times when it will trigger a full GCD despite being off the GCD? It's happened since launch but I always thought it was ability delay. I spent a bit of time using Rage spec yesterday and with spamming Predation every 10 seconds I noticed this GCD bug happening a lot.


Is this Ability Lag?


Is it actually a separate bug with abilities off the GCD triggering a GCD?


Have devs said anything about this?

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Has anyone else noticed that when you use deadly saber there are random times when it will trigger a full GCD despite being off the GCD? It's happened since launch but I always thought it was ability delay. I spent a bit of time using Rage spec yesterday and with spamming Predation every 10 seconds I noticed this GCD bug happening a lot.


Is this Ability Lag?


Is it actually a separate bug with abilities off the GCD triggering a GCD?


Have devs said anything about this?


I vaguely remember it triggering the GCD Flash animation thing on my toolbars but Specifically not actually preventing me from casting another ability within that 1.5 seconds.


Can you confirm that it actually prevents you from casting?

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It's definitely acting like a full GCD. My hypothesis is that the client is thinking it's a full GCD and as a result it isn't even sending my keybind spams to the server. I'm wondering if there's a setting or something to change the client's behavior so it still sends keypress messages even while on the GCD. The server should definitely know that I'm not on the GCD.
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