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Please add a pvp vote kick option for afk's


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Please add a pvp vote kick option for afks. In order to prevent abuse of the system, enable one initiate vote per person per match. Prevent vote kicks during first minute. If someone is in combat during the last 30 seconds then make them immune to votes.

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To take it a step further... what about giving the player a valor hit? Valor is so easy to gain... maybe a -50 to -100 hit at lower levels, -200 to -300 at higher levels?


It's small enough that it shouldn't make anyone upset (someone might have a legitimate reason to go afk every now and then), but it could be enough to detract them from going afk.


Or in this day and age (I'm an old school EQ player) is it unthinkable to take something away from a player?

Edited by KseriousEG
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