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Here me out on this one....



That is where I stop listening. When any poster, either due to lack of education or laziness, are unable to even use the proper word as the very first word of their post I stop hearing you out.


I am certain you have nothing intelligent to say.




Learn to spell and write properly or do not bother us with such nonsense.


My apologies grammar God. Aren't we a feisty one?

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WoW having them means they don't suck why?


Back to the main topic, I think the OP is pretty much proposing two things: one, get rid of the pointless orbital stations and spaceports, and two, allow free space flight with an opt-out hyperspace button that you'd push each time.



You are correct. First priority should be to minimize pointless zones that intermediate travel between planets. This is what REALLY needs to be fixed.


Free flight in space would be something that I don't think is necessary NOW, but it would certainly enhance the overall feeling of being in a seemless world, which is important for any real MMO. Not only that, it would add another game system to enhance the overall experience. I think Bioware could implement a lot of features using it. Just something to think about for the future of the game...

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