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1-50 Best MMO Ever, 50+ - Slightly Below Average


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Sure the questing is fast, but there aren't any real "memorable" quests to speak of. You never do anything cool, the story is great, dont get me wrong. But Blizzard definately did it right in Cata(pre cata quests..not so much though step in right direction with wotlk), awesome quests..some that didn't require killing at all or minimal killing. Assembling objects that eventually led to hilarious consequences. This game is all, go here, kill this, go back, kill some more stuff, press a button, kill some stuff to collect items to press a button... oh now go kill harder enemies... ok now kill a boss enemy.. repeat x50 levels. I know that everyone complains about fast leveling around here, but if there was a "story only" mode where you can level without having to do anything except complete class quests, I'd be in heaven. There simply isn't anything "fun" to do in the quests of this game. It is literally the epitome of "grind boars to max level" Only in this case its droids? I guess.


Granted, it took 3 expansions and 6 years for Blizzard to get it right. So I'm willing to wait it out a little while.

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I think I also read something very laughable about someone playing 20-30 hours a week being a 'casual' gamer. That tells me, monday to friday someones parking their @ss infront of a computer screen playing one game for 5 to 7 hours a night. THAT IS NOT CASUAL. Hate to break it to you, just the facts ma'am. 5-7 hours a night is NOT Casual, that's about as constant as you can get gameplay wise assuming you eat, sleep and maintain a fulltime job and family. Basically every waking moment you have to spare monday to friday is spent there. NOT CASUAL. (repetitive but i gotta drive that nail home somehow.)


Let us do some math here.


If you play 3 hours a night, for 7 days, you are at 21 hours. Now 3 hours in a night is nothing. Most people watch more TV than that. We haven't considered weekends specifically though. For instance, it is not uncommon for a person to play 5-6 hours on a weekend night or even more if they break it up over the course of that day, 2-3 hours in the morning, 5 hours that night (which is extremely reasonable, considering how many people sit and watch sporting events on the weekends). So, 15 hours during the week + 10-15 hours on the weekend = 25 - 30+ hours.


I did this while working 60 hours a week and had a family life, read a book a week, and exercised 30-60 mins a day, etc... for many years. Most of my friends in their 30s to 40's did this as well and many have children, are married and lead professional careers (engineers, IT directors, etc...)


That is what casual used to be defined as. Hardcore was a person who played while at work (if they worked at all), raced through to get to the end contested content as fast as they could, and were often required to be on call to log in for any given raid at any given time. They averaged about 6-8 hours a day and about 12-24 or more on the weekends.


What you are thinking of is called an occasional player. They play maybe an hour a night, sometimes every other night and their weekend session may be around 2-3 hours total. They usually have little time to group, often can't spend more than 30 mins at a time at the screen without having intervals away for various things they need to do.



Many are distinctly different in their play focus and desire everything to be summed up in a rather short period (running a dungeon in 15 to 30 mins, having a leveling curve that allows their play time to reach max level in a few weeks)


There is nothing wrong with being an occasional player, however the content of an MMO designed to fit that desire results in what we are seeing consistently released and consistently complained about.

Edited by Xenich
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There's some truth to this.


My guild has the following:


Rakata or Columi PVE sets.


Champion or Battlemaster PVP sets.


We've cleared EV and Karaggas on hard.


Most of us have collected the main stat datacrons and all of us the +10.


All we really have "left" at this point is running more HMs for loot all of us already have, or try Nightmare which to be honest, isn't that appealing. It's the exact same content but things hit harder and die less easily.


Here's the thing: none of us are 24/7 hardcore players. We raid once a week, and a lot of us are casual in the sense that we have jobs / relationships / social obligations, etc outside of the game.


The point is we're kind of "done" at the moment. Most people just roll in and log off minutes later. The Ilum weekly grind is just agonizing, and there's literally no profitable reason in running anything but Hard or Nightmare ops and even then, not so much.


All that being said, be patient. Seriously. They're cranking out content and fixing bugs at an acceptable (to me) rate and these days most people are MMO vets, so we burn through content at blinding speeds. There's very little learning curve and a lot of people don't really want to kill time listening to tedious kill / fetch side-quest dialog.


Bottom line: if you can wait for more content, I think you'll be happy. If you can't, I don't really blame you.

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