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PVE gated by PVP


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Yes but in a single day you can


1. Ding 50 in the morning

2. Get in full cent by having 6 bags at 50 and doing all your warground and ilum dailies/weeklies

3. Do your dailies for the day

4. Be pveing that night


So why not do that?


My entire post was about how there is no need to pvp to pve, so why is this an argument? Just because i admit a newbie 50 pve player would see some benefit getting cent now with the bag changes, unless of course they only play a few hours a day and only have time to do their dailies for coms every day long enough to be geared out, in which case pvping would be a waste of time, doesnt mean there needs to be arguments.


You can also say "do corellia quests and get blue 50 PvE gear" all the same. Or "do some 49/50 normal FPs" (which drop blue 50 gear, corellia commendations, kaon drops purple 51 gear too) and pve that night.


Let me repeat:


The only advantage of Centurion gear is expertise and if you intend to continue to PvP.

Edited by GrandMike
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