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Will people please just look at the objective facts for the classes...


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I can provide all the information for operative. Damage/Healing done for some arbitary set of stats. I can compile the list of the utility abilities we have..


We need more people to do this for the other classes.


There needs to be a organized objective comparison done to prove how this nerf was so unnecessary.


I have a calculator for the abilities, only problem is, the data from tor head needs to match the data for your class as some of the mechanics are off.

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I can provide all the information for operative. Damage/Healing done for some arbitary set of stats. I can compile the list of the utility abilities we have..


We need more people to do this for the other classes.


There needs to be a organized objective comparison done to prove how this nerf was so unnecessary.


I have a calculator for the abilities, only problem is, the data from tor head needs to match the data for your class as some of the mechanics are off.


other classes dont give a fok at all, they are happy we are nerfed, you think they want to help you make a case to get us re-buffed? guess again

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other classes dont give a fok at all, they are happy we are nerfed, you think they want to help you make a case to get us re-buffed? guess again


That's kind of how it feels. Honestly like, our classes is being shuned out. The developers are making movesed based entierly on the way other classes play.


Now, they will just ignore us, while we rot and die (which I promise you will be the result). A rotting dead class that will ahve 0 people playing in a year, if they do not fix us.



I can take a underpowered class. I can NOT take playing a underpowered class KNOWING bioware has NO concern with changing ANYTHING with it.


So many of our abilities are broken and useless.

Infiltrate = useless

Orbital strike is so bad nobody uses it.

Evasion has no defense against ranged and tech abilities. There are only two abilities that it blocks. Rapid shots and rifle shot.



Run the math of what +5 energy actually gives you. It's awe full.


Honestly feels like I will have to quit unless something changes. Op is virtually unplayable. We have to do so much more work to do so much less than any other class. It's not a fun kind of gameplay.


We chase up and down ledges and buildings trying to avoid aoes and get behind a target to attack while a sorc could just sit there and press 1 ability over and over again.

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Lol you dont use orbital? Shame on you.


Even if I did, which would cause me to root myself cast and hope maybe somebody stays in the AOE.


There are more important and more fruitfull things to do. Use it all you want.


Doesn't change the fact that, +1 tick from that orbital stike will not make a difference. in a warzone, you MIGHT get 2 or 3 additional ticks from that warzones. That would be around 6k damage.


Our entire class is nothing but a max effort low reward broken pos.

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