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Why Your Ticket is Not Resolved (My Guess)


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They could have avoided alot of the tickets by actually playing and testing their own game before launching it. I have heard of a lot of the same things that were reported continously in beta still made it into release.


I'm sure for every good idea/bug report, there are many crap ones.

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They've made countless changes due to customer reports- changing sprint on death, how Ilum works, took down Ilum hours after the turret farming and made it impossible to farm rez points.


Fixed up Taris mem leaks, fixed most treasure chest bugs in ops, made champ bags less about RNG, nerfed biochem...



There's so many changes they've made so far due to bug reports. They haven't fixed every bug yet- but they've been consistently working at it. I'm patient because every week a scare on the forums pops up 'oh, this bug will never get fixed by BW and will ruin the game!' before it gets fixed next week, and the same people have a new bug to hail as the 'unfixable bug' that'll bring destruction.



Most sensationalized and short sighted forum ever.


Alright man. I seriously have no real desire to fued with you on this. I've been playing the game since Dec 16th early access so I know whats' changed since I've been around..


Illum was changed but the issue remains un-resolved I'm sorry...


Warzones not counting was changed multiple times but still remains un-resolved...


Exploiting although fairly recent in how rampant it's become, has been checked and is un-resolved..


Performance issues have been optimized serveral times and still remain un-resolved..


We could go on and on here..


It just adds up to this game not being on par to whats to be expected in 2011-2012 after 5+ years of development and mega bucks. Don't forget the professionals working on the game also...


Maybe it sat on the shelves too long.. Maybe they actually finished "development" those 5 years ago, and this whole waiting period has been voice over work and animation clipping.


I don't know but yea.. Pretty much

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Alright man. I seriously have no real desire to fued with you on this. I've been playing the game since Dec 16th early access so I know whats' changed since I've been around..


Illum was changed but the issue remains un-resolved I'm sorry...


Warzones not counting was changed multiple times but still remains un-resolved...


Exploiting although fairly recent in how rampant it's become, has been checked and is un-resolved..


Performance issues have been optimized serveral times and still remain un-resolved..


We could go on and on here..


It just adds up to this game not being on par to whats to be expected in 2011-2012 after 5+ years of development and mega bucks. Don't forget the professionals working on the game also...


Maybe it sat on the shelves too long.. Maybe they actually finished "development" those 5 years ago, and this whole waiting period has been voice over work and animation clipping.


I don't know but yea.. Pretty much


Maybe things not fixed to your specifications.


But a LOT of bugs have been fixed. New content (KP) has been added. Anti-aliasing to a degree has been resolved. Sprint ability. New (I think good) UI.


Not perfect, no, but definitely steps taken.

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I'm sure for every good idea/bug report, there are many crap ones.


It is still Bioware job to investigate all bug reports that they possibly can, they owe their consumers that before releasing a product that should go without saying.

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