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Medic Disconnect


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I have been playing medic spec 90% of the time on my Op occasionally playing around with lethality, I have been 50 now for a few weeks. Something nagged at the back of my head on how we work it was something very subtle but at the same time glaringly obvious when it occurred to me.


The disconnect as I see it is simple, all of our utility/CC are in the melee/10 meter ranges along with most of our hard hitting DPS abilities. ALL of our heals are 30 meters.



Debilitate (stun)



Hidden Strike


10 Meter

Flashbang (CC)

Overload Shot

Sever Tendon (snare)

Distraction (interrupt)

Carbine Burst

Sleep Dart (CC)


30 Meter

Rifle Shot

Fragmentation Grenade

Corrosive Dart

Snipe (req cover)

Explosive Probe (req cover)

Diagnostic Scan

Kolto Injection

Kolto Infusion

Kolto Probe

Surgical Probe

Recuperative Nanotech

Toxin Scan

Resuscitation Probe


This basically forces us to put ourselves in the middle of a fight in order to provide any utility beyond healing to our group on both PvE and PvP, and a healer ALWAYS wants to distance themselves from the brawl to be able to heal.

This is doubly frustration when being grav bullet spammed, unless there are los options you are you have to run TOWARDS the merc to be able to interrupt/CC.


I think something in the top 2-3 tiers of the Medicine tree that boosts the range on certain abilities would help Ops healers provide a lot more utility to both PvE and PvP groups.

An alternative route would to make our healing abilities more short ranged centric while boosting defensive cooldowns e.g. make kolto infusion a self centred AoE that heals you and 2 others in 10 meters, adjust evasive imperative to not just up movement speed but up the duration as well.

Maybe a tad over the top but I would like to see Medics to either be melee centric healers or up the range on their other abilities so they can contribute more than just healing when not within 10 meters of a fight.

At the moment Medics feel like the class designer had some really good ideas and had to scrap em due to time constraints and we ended up with a bipolar healing class.

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I feel ya on the tracer spam. You're never close enough to interrupt so the only hope is to line of sight it before you lose two thirds of your health. You could try cloaking and running away, but most of the time cloak is a death trap since you can't heal yourself due to the debuff. There's no gap closers to get in close to the ranged guy that's nuking you, so unless you can los it, you're in for it.


I've been thinking a good buff for medics would be a talent that lessens the healing debuff on cloak screen or removes it completely. Perhaps also to lower the cooldown on it at the same time.

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You don't want all the "Operatives" who say we're fine at healing to come in here with their fingers in their ears with the misguided belief that ignoring the problem will make it go away.


I had no less than 5 people /ignore me when I tried to explain this on Imperial Fleet one night after someone asked in general how Ops are at healing. :rolleyes:


Fact is, you're either standing back healbotting (both boring and inefficient - at least when compared to the other healers) or you're gambling that all of your group members are intelligent enough to keep from LoS-ing you when you're in the thick of things.


Can it work? Sure.

But that doesn't change the fact that the other healers not only don't have this problem, but they also bring more utility to the group to begin with.

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I'ld love a few point option somewhere higher in the tree to improve explosive probe. Which is another 30 range Damage option we have which we have to go immobile to us.


It would be nice if abilities that benefit Make Medical engineering advanced Probes - give it the chance to proc TA off Kolto Probe as is and increase the damage of Explosive Probe by 2,4,6% for 10 seconds .....


or cause the next explosive probe to knock it's target down on detonation for 10 seconds


Think of all the points we spend to make our energy pool mangable. Gimme some DPS/utility in those points as well.

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I'ld love a few point option somewhere higher in the tree to improve explosive probe. Which is another 30 range Damage option we have which we have to go immobile to us.


It would be nice if abilities that benefit Make Medical engineering advanced Probes - give it the chance to proc TA off Kolto Probe as is and increase the damage of Explosive Probe by 2,4,6% for 10 seconds .....


or cause the next explosive probe to knock it's target down on detonation for 10 seconds


Think of all the points we spend to make our energy pool mangable. Gimme some DPS/utility in those points as well.


I actually kinda like this idea, possibly even make it that we can just use explosive probe on the move would be kinda cool XD

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