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Critique my spec ...


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so ive been tinkering with my spec ... tell me what you think, all i ask is you keep it civil please


before the link you should know that my sole concern is PvP, i havent set foot in an Op or done a hard mode other than BT


i had been playing with a couple different annihilation build before, 31/3/7, 31/7/3, but after a few weeks as annihilation this just makes more sense to me


ill give some reasons for some of my talent choices as well




firstly ... no carnage talents? i really dont find them that useful for annihilation (and in general for stagger)


no enraged charge? my rage generation is crazy as it is, 30% chance per bleed tick per 1.5 seconds, 50% chance on damage when CoP is up (which is why that point is there) per 3 seconds, and a lower CD on charge ... i get plenty of rage, the 1 extra on charge doesnt make much difference, DS only costs 3 so i can charge and apply it instantly w/o having to build more first


i was really torn between defensive roll and ferocity though, but i decided that i really only use predation when im running the huttball (which isnt often) so the points were better spent on survivability


quick recovery v cloak of annihilation ... well, aoes arent in our priority, its really just for hitting cappers, which i can do with intimidating roar if there are more than 2, otherwise i just hit one then switch targets, not necessary to spend points on a cost reduction for smash/sweeping


plus, with cloak of carnage and empowerment (plus standard rage generation) im often overloaded with rage so i can spare some on retaliation, thus reducing my CD on CoP (if its down) cloak of annihilation makes more sense to me


seeping wounds? ... its unnecessary, if they run, crippling slash, its better anyway, not worth the points imo



so, thoughts?

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Deep wound and pulverize=crap for pvp cloak of annihilation is crap also quick recovery is better it makes sweeping slash cost 1 rage so this a great way to build up 30 stacks of fury quickly after a battle with left over rage to use for predation or berserk bloodthrist at the start of your next fight.


Ferocity should always be taken a 80% group sprint for 10 secs ? amazing for huttball and data core wz or runing away in force camo to get and HP box thing


Cloak of carnage is alot not very good ether the points are better spent else where and seeping wounds is one of the best talents you can get a 30% slow that does damage so you don't have to waste the rage or GCD on crippling slash

Edited by iknoghostmagic
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So retaliation comes up so infrequently (I only see if it I cast Obscufate) that I'd go for the cheaper Smash.


Personally I prefer to slow my opponent with rupture which I used immediately after force charge so they cant run away too fast versus healing which is only on crits of bleeds - so not that much unless your fury is up (which is never I find unless you are slaughtering the other team).

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Deep wound and pulverize=crap for pvp cloak of annihilation is crap also quick recovery is better it makes sweeping slash cost 1 rage so this a great way to build up 30 stacks of fury quickly after a battle with left over rage to use for predation or berserk bloodthrist at the start of your next fight.


Ferocity should always be taken a 80% group sprint for 10 secs ? amazing for huttball and data core wz or runing away in force camo to get and HP box thing


Cloak of carnage is alot not very good ether the points are better spent else where and seeping wounds is one of the best talents you can get a 30% slow that does damage so you don't have to waste the rage or GCD on crippling slash


deep wounds is just a road to pulverize, its only 1 rage, not a big deal


pulverize has a chance to reset rupture (it happens quite alot) aside from the damage, rupture dot is a chance to generate rage due to empowerment


yes, i could take those 4 out and put them in ferocity, and spend 2 elsewhere, but i have a hard time justifying ferocity for anything besides huttball running and escaping, it would be a great place to put spare points, but i dont see my points in pulverize and deep wounds as being "spare points" ... perhaps ill try out a spec ditching them and going for ferocity after my respec cost resets, see how much i actually miss that rupture CD rest


as for cloak of carnage ... its free rage, dont see how thats bad, and where else am i going to put it? seeeping wound? a hit or miss sub par slow is not worth 1 talent, seeping wounds needs 2 if any, and i dont see that as necessary, if they start to run i can crippling slash them before they get out of range almost every time, if i cant then i can wait for charge CD, i dont see that as an necessary talent at all, maybe thats just me though

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So retaliation comes up so infrequently (I only see if it I cast Obscufate) that I'd go for the cheaper Smash.


Personally I prefer to slow my opponent with rupture which I used immediately after force charge so they cant run away too fast versus healing which is only on crits of bleeds - so not that much unless your fury is up (which is never I find unless you are slaughtering the other team).


i see retaliation pop up enough that using it would have a decent impact (obfuscate and saber ward will pretty much guarantee it comes up once or twice)


i cant imaging an annihilation spec without hungering, it makes a monstrous difference over the course of a 15 minute warzone (particularly since your bleed crit rate, when factoring in berserk, is well over 50%)


i never have an issue generating fury ... with defensive forms, short fuse, and frenzy i always have it when i need it


when i charge i hit deadly saber then get the 3rd stack on with Rupture, so both my dot ticks are in sync, that way when i pop berserk the pressure on them is immediately noticeable, guaranteed ~2k per 1.5 seconds for 4.5 seconds

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Against all classes, did you ever think it through with your interrupt? Where the difference actually is between 6s and 8s?


ya know ... i used to leave this one out, didnt figure it made that big of a difference


and honestly ... it doesnt most of the time


but it does when im fighting a healer ... or a tracer spammer


and then it can be the difference between killing them and not killing them (generally not with the tracer spammers, they were easy enough before, the extra -2s just make them that much easier, but try killing a healer with an 8 second interrupt, much harder than with a 6 second)

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Decent build. Things I would change:


Drop all cloak of pain talent points. Cloak of pain is an okay defensive skill but in my opinion the talent points do not make it any better. Those points can be spent some where else and be more useful.


Put 2 points in Quick recovery. Sweeping slash is great to build fury since it will only cost 1 rage and build 4 fury.


Use your extra points and put them in stagger or Ravager.


32/7/2 is what I run. If you need any more help just let me know.

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Decent build. Things I would change:


Drop all cloak of pain talent points. Cloak of pain is an okay defensive skill but in my opinion the talent points do not make it any better. Those points can be spent some where else and be more useful.


Put 2 points in Quick recovery. Sweeping slash is great to build fury since it will only cost 1 rage and build 4 fury.


Use your extra points and put them in stagger or Ravager.


32/7/2 is what I run. If you need any more help just let me know.


i find it hard to argue with free rage, i like that CoP talent


as for quick recovery, i can certainly see the benefit of fury building, but i dunno, i rarely feel that im not building it up as fast as i need to ... and i think id rather have the rage to open a fight without having to BA/A and still having the rage to apply my dots and annihilate someone


i guess ill have to try out this change and see how it plays


stagger and ravager ... i dunno, i just dont see the value there in the points, i dont use ravage or choke enough to warrant spending points to lower their CDs, and i dont see 2 points being worth 1 extra second of immobilize on charge, we already have plenty of time to charge + crippling if we think theyre gonna run


ill probably play around with the quick recovery change though, once my respec cost resets

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Yup, all opinion. I use quick recovery out of combat when I am at 1/2 or more rage to build fury. Or sometimes when you are switching sides in void star you can periodically use it to keep fury up.


I prefer stagger because of the animation on battering assault is so wonky. At least for me it is. If someone is moving it's sometimes hard to complete the animation. That extra one second helps me do that.


Cloak of annihilation is not worth it at all in my opinion because retaliation costs too much rage. And some classes it rarely procs, like sorc/sages. The only time I ever use it is as a rage dump. As well with juyo form, defensive forms and defensive roll that is enough damage reduction for me from most spells.


One last point is you should always use force choke. Beserking and stacking bleeds, plus force choke owns people. I usually take 3/4 of someones HP with it. As stamp says "DOT DOT CHOKES!" That's why ravager can be appealing.

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http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIrRrMdbGzZhMMZ0M.1 is why use pulverize is just bad why because rng its just a waste frankly of 4 points that could be better spent else where for pvp


better spent where?


i dont see much of an alternative imo, except maybe ferocity, but thats just 2 points

Edited by CrazyAl
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One last point is you should always use force choke. Beserking and stacking bleeds, plus force choke owns people. I usually take 3/4 of someones HP with it. As stamp says "DOT DOT CHOKES!" That's why ravager can be appealing.


so choke damage counts as a bleed?

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I'm not BM yet (currently around 35 Ranked valor) but honestly I'd have to say that "Subjugation" (giving reduced CD on Obfuscate and Disruption) isn't as good as even the perk that nobody gets: "Seeping Wound" (a 50% slow on rupture).


I'd rather have the 50% slow than the reduced CDs on moves that (in my opinion) are very situational, whereas Rupture is one of your main moves, that also reduces it's CD with Annihilate/Vicious Slash.



I'm not saying that's optimal, of course, but I feel that your points are better spent there than on Subjugation.


And yes, I love Carnage for it's 2 additional snares. Can I not love another slow in another tree?

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I'm not BM yet (currently around 35 Ranked valor) but honestly I'd have to say that "Subjugation" (giving reduced CD on Obfuscate and Disruption) isn't as good as even the perk that nobody gets: "Seeping Wound" (a 50% slow on rupture).


I'd rather have the 50% slow than the reduced CDs on moves that (in my opinion) are very situational, whereas Rupture is one of your main moves, that also reduces it's CD with Annihilate/Vicious Slash.



I'm not saying that's optimal, of course, but I feel that your points are better spent there than on Subjugation.


And yes, I love Carnage for it's 2 additional snares. Can I not love another slow in another tree?


seeping wound is a 30% slow, that lasts 6 seconds, we have a real slow (crippling slash) that lasts 12 seconds as is 50%


interrupts are situational? ... ok, the situation occurs whenever someone casts something ...

and obfuscate? its situational use is any time you are fighting another marauder, a jugg, assassin, mercenary, operative, or sniper ...


so yea, reduced CD to those 2 abilities (particularly the interrupt) are worth way more than adding a worse version of something we already have to one of our abilities just so you can slow w/o using a GCD

Edited by CrazyAl
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