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The EU in a nutshell...


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Eh, he bashes Dark Empire and Legacy...can't really fault him for that.


The Sun Crusher was a great ship...just looked terrible(and not at all what I pictured it to look like). And if he had bothered to read the plot on that one he would know why it wasn't used until later.


Thrawn Trilogy, X-Wing series, I, Jedi, and yes even the NJO were great stories..most people dismiss NJO because of Chewie dying in Vector Prime. But it was a great story with..in all honesty, less than climactic ending. LotF was actually pretty good as well, if you skip over most of Traviss' work. And FotJ I think is pretty awesome. This is my opinion of course.


Fact is, there are better stories in the EU and better writers there than what we got from the prequels and the "creator".


I will always give props to George for being the "idea man", but he should've allowed a more creative process to flow instead of basically becoming the Emperor with tightfisted control over the entire process. Can you blame people for rebelling? :p

Edited by Keihryon
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FotJ I think is pretty awesome. This is my opinion of course


I started reading Outcast, but didn't have a lot of time to read, so I was coming back to it after a week of not reading & couldn't get into it.


Maybe I'll give them another shot after I read the Darth Bane series. I'm almost done with the 1st book, & I haven't had any problems getting into it. Good read so far!

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To be fair MOST of what they bring up in that article is heavily featured in Dark Empire. Which was crazy over-the-top. Leia becomes a full-fledged Jedi Knight at the end of the first series, after just confronting the clone Emp and her brother (so many books after it have her training a bit, becoming a Jedi Knight, then getting demoted back to 'student' in the next chronological story) after getting a lightsaber from some old lady (that part bugged me; I was already reading the Thrawn Trilogy, and Leia already had a lightsaber!)


The critique about LEGACY comics at the end, though, I don't much like. The plot's not EXACTLY the same: Alliance & Empire are buddy-buddy. The Sith make a deal with the Empire, then after the Alliance is on the run, they betray & conquer the Empire and demolish the Jedi Order. That's fairly different from the scheme Palpatine set up... and you're left with more factions, too: the Sith Empire, the rebel Empire loyal to the Jedi-Emperor Roan Fel, the Jedi Order remnant, and the Galactic Alliance remnant. Those last 3 factions have to put aside difference to unite against the Sith, and ultimately do; a nice spin on a "Rebel Alliance" that wasn't all chummy with each other, and had more than one Jedi to throw at the bad guys. And you had an anti-hero, which I kinda enjoyed even though I knew he'd do the right thing and try to kill Krayt yet stay light-side (though I hope Ostrander stays away from 'dark & broody Wolverine Jedi' in the future). It's a 'same broad strokes' plot, played a different way. I dunno... I enjoyed it.


Criticizing Luke's Jedi Order for allowing marriages and families was a 'miss' on the article; it's not that Luke DIDN'T learn from what happened to Anakin... it's that Luke DID learn (or, rather, approached it from ignorance of Anakin's life--perhaps; Ghost Yoda & Ben could've filled him in on some details--and from his own better upbringing). Anakin fell because of his attachment issues, which couldn't really be worked on because he had to keep it all secret from the dogmatic Jedi Order. If he had truly opened up to Obi-Wan, or Yoda, about his relationship with Padme, maybe they could've helped him aside from spouting "Let go" mantras at him.


Also, all the Jedi popping up outta the woodwork isn't that big a deal. Even if you take ALL of the known 'retired Jedi' and children of Jedi that survived the purge and reclaimed their heritage after Endor, it's still a bare handful compared to the THOUSANDS of Jedi that were alive before Order 66. Even if there were a couple hundred surviving, that's not much. As for what they were doing, that's easy: HIDING. The final few "REPUBLIC" comic issues showed us a few Jedi in a crowd on Coruscant post-Order 66, watching another Jedi jump up on the steps and call for rebellion against the Empire, only to be gunned down by a bunch of troops. They'd need to organize... but they were actively hunted at that point (somewhat; the Emperor was fairly satisfied he'd done his job by breaking the Order as a whole, so he didn't send Vader and squads of clones around rooting out every last Jedi to destroy), their spirit was broken... Yoda & Obi-Wan had a plan. They knew of Anakin's children, and their potential. They would trust in the Force... everyone else who survived, pretty much gave up being Jedi for a couple decades. They were fugitives, and had to build new lives or likely die trying to restore order. Maybe some wanted to join the Rebellion, but perhaps they only had access to Imperial propaganda that called it a pitiful little band of rabblerousers, so they figured it wouldn't amount to anything. Maybe they got too involved in their new life, they didn't want to risk upsetting it for a longshot at taking back the galaxy.


But Cracked was dead-on with all the Weapons of Mass Destruction. They kept throwing them at us all through the '90s. Ugh.

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