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question about the tier 1.x gear


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Im finally starting to get tionese gear and i've been running around with a full daily commendation set of modded custom gear (so heavy on crit and surge stuff) also im an arsenal merc, so I can only assume eliminator gear is what I want


now i've finally got enough token and crystals to start buying some of the gear but I noticed theres no crit on a lot of the gear and is heavy on accuracy which I feel is a little bit over kill and the aim on it isnt really enough to suffice for the lost in crit and surge lost. so im wondering if I should even bother getting them. not to mention crit chance doesnt even show up until rataka gear


am I missing something and is there a way to replace the mods with ones with crit on it?

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Bosses have a 10% chance to defend against your attacks, so accuracy is pretty decent. Yes, you can swap out the mods/enhancements, just not armorings/barrels. Power is a pretty good stat, and the set bonuses are absolutely amazing.


Edit: The set bonus for eliminator are:


(2) +15% crit chance on Tracer Missile

(4) -8 heat cost on Rail Shot

Edited by Snagulus
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my real problem is that currently Im at 108 accuracy without all that accuracy that the items have. so getting more is gonna push me way off the 110% mark and it'll bring my crit chance down below the 30-35% mark which will make my venting slow thus lower my dps cuz i'll have to use rapid shots more often.


and it seems only 1 piece of gear has crit chance mods that I can replace with but is it really worth spending my crystal and commendations on it just to get that 1 enhancement?

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Accuracy is overrated.


Note that the majority of your dps comes from tech attacks and they will always have a higher hit % than your normal ranged attacks which is what your paperdoll shows by default.

Suppose ranged and tech attacks work of different ratings and values per %.


Note that "ranged" hit % only affects your Rail Shots, Unload and Power Shots while most of your other abilities work from the hit % in your tech section.


PVP: The accuracy stat is next to useless as you won't do anything with the classes using cooldowns to avoid attacks regardless.

Yet.. alot of the pvp gear is packed with accuracy ^^


PVE: Yes, you will miss some "white attacks" here but you'll be "hitcapped" from talents without any further accuracy gear in the special attacks section.

Minor dps loss, but you'll do just fine.


As arsenal it sucks when you miss that random tick of an empowered Unload, but hey! it's more important with power/crit + surge until the sweetspots around 30-35% crit and 80-90% crit bonus from surge.


Get used to rip out mods and shuffle them around where they're needed most.

Some of the champion medic armor pieces are awesome to use for such, they have nice crit+surge mods/enhancements.

You can also do the daily heroic +2 quest on Ilum, easily soloable with Mako when you're both geared and use your CC. It rewards an epic end, crit+surge enhancement amongst a few.

I don't do the Belsavis dailies, but there's an daily heroic +2 quest there too but from what I understand it's an epic mod in the reward there.

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except those are ilvl 50 instead of ilvl 51 and the columni gear is ilvl 56 so clearly we cant be replacing those with the dailies version


and if I am gonna be ripping the mods of my current gear, shouldnt I just stick with my current gear instead of switching then?

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except those are ilvl 50 instead of ilvl 51 and the columni gear is ilvl 56 so clearly we cant be replacing those with the dailies version


and if I am gonna be ripping the mods of my current gear, shouldnt I just stick with my current gear instead of switching then?


You'll be missing out on the set bonuses, and the stats from the armoring/barrel slots will also be lower.


Mods aside, the set bonuses alone are worth switching for, and you should get a fair amount of addition Columi tokens from HM flashpoints to switch your mods out with. The crit/surge mods come from Combat Medic gear mostly and will be 56.

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Accuracy is overrated.


Note that the majority of your dps comes from tech attacks and they will always have a higher hit % than your normal ranged attacks which is what your paperdoll shows by default.

Suppose ranged and tech attacks work of different ratings and values per %.


Note that "ranged" hit % only affects your Rail Shots, Unload and Power Shots while most of your other abilities work from the hit % in your tech section.


PVP: The accuracy stat is next to useless as you won't do anything with the classes using cooldowns to avoid attacks regardless.

Yet.. alot of the pvp gear is packed with accuracy ^^


PVE: Yes, you will miss some "white attacks" here but you'll be "hitcapped" from talents without any further accuracy gear in the special attacks section.

Minor dps loss, but you'll do just fine.


As arsenal it sucks when you miss that random tick of an empowered Unload, but hey! it's more important with power/crit + surge until the sweetspots around 30-35% crit and 80-90% crit bonus from surge.


Some of this is mistaken :X


Special attacks(abilities), ranged and tech, both have a base 100% hit chance. Operations bosses have a 10% chance to defend(dodge) your attacks, which means that with no accuracy, you are doing less than 90% of your potential damage(including Rapid Shots) over the course of the fight. That's a huge loss. Accuracy is pretty much the best DPS stat until you hit 10%, and then becomes almost worthless. Our offhand attacks benefit from extra accuracy, but they suck, so avoid it if possible.


On the other hand, in the current ops tier, you'll do fine anyway, cause it's pretty easy..

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