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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

TO BW: About the Feb 9 Ilum patch


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Have you rolled a character on the public test server to help them test? If not you really have no room to fuss aboit it.


Are you going to spend the time leveling another toon to 50 on PTS to test the bugs there before release of patches to then have it wiped and start all over again with leveling another so you can test the next patch? If not you really have no room to fuss about other people not doing it and fussing about the game either.

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Like I said before, every time Bioware rolls out a patch on scheduled maintenance days, it is like a domino effect. One bug fixed, another one pops up. Either they don't have their own QA team to test patches before being released on the live servers or they're just incompetent.
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Have you rolled a character on the public test server to help them test? If not you really have no room to fuss aboit it.



No need we got toons on live severs and the ptr is not catching these bugs.


So to tell someone who pays for the right to play here the have no right to fuss.


Just cause your moms pays for your life gives you no right to speak kid.. go back to dumpster **** and pretending your cool to your 2 friends

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Have you rolled a character on the public test server to help them test? If not you really have no room to fuss aboit it.

I can fuss. There is no point in trying to test Ilum on the PTS. All characters start at level 1. How much time should I invest in trying to get to 50 so I can test Ilum on the PTS? Further, how many more people are going to do the same so real testing can occur?


Last, it is not my job as the consumer to properly test their software. That is their QA department's job. Junior techs should be able to go through a simple script to see if PvP in Ilum is working properly. While I applaud BW for trying to fix things quickly, I am horrified by the apparent lack of quality game testing before patches are released.


At this point, they are showing a horrible trend of releasing massive, game breaking bugs in almost every general bug patch. I would rather they take their time and get it right before pushing something to production.

Edited by Knewt
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