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The thing with combat


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Now I love combat but it is really bad atm imo.


Survivability; It just doesn't feel like its there for combat, I'm a good player at this game and absolutely destroy people as watchman it just isn't there with combat. I never lost a 2v1 as watchman I CAN'T seem to win one as combat. Defensive forms for Juyo form is SO big, 4% reduction to internal and elemental, there's so many DoT specs that this is so big.


Damage; The damage output just isn't there I'm at least 100k under my watchman damage. Now don't come on here with your Screenshots of 'Oh hey look I did big numbers as combat in an Assault match' whoop de do 20 min game will do that. It's just not there Blade Storm doesn't hit for near as much as merc slash and ataru proc is just bad. 150? Doesn't scale with anything, cool story Bioware.


Zen; This kinda falls under survivability but oh well. Zen for combat is kinda bad as well. Blade rush cost to 1 is nice and all but meh, and inspiration has a 5 min CD, don't forget it takes forever to build centering as Combat while watchman can have it in 1 rotation.


These things also rollover to PvE combat just doesn't have it. Watchman is where it's at I'm sorry for you combat people.

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