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Ideas for improving warzones


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Since the game is facing large issues with players not working toward winning warzones rather than farming medals for high benefits to oneself I suggest the following:


Much higher boost in valor and commendation for the winning team (medal farming would be useless because you would get much higher valor/commendations if you won)


Objective based medals* (such as capping a turret, interrupting xx cappers, scoring in huttball, assists in huttball, killing ball handler, grabbing ball from pedestal, defusing bomb, planting bomb, advancing through doors give the whole team a medal)


* = the medals I've posted are only ideas, feel free to come up with better examples


Give less valor/commendations per medal for discouraging medal farming


Let me know your opinions

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completely agree, the actual system is a ****, I have been playing for 4-5 hours this afternoon and I have only won 2 matches, cause the stupid people who leaves at the first problem, and the other who, as you say, only play to get stupid medals for theirself.


So BW, you must completely fix the system cause just now it's, as I have said, an enormous, boring ****.

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