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The truth of Swtor- Story class lvling


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Yep this game is all about doing your class story and then make a new char and do the same thing.


Im sorry but for me one char is enough and the content/things to do in this game is not enough or worth the time spending.


I have realised this is not MMO but a RPAG(rollplayingactiongame). Sure you can say this is a mmorpag and it is in terms of fact. But the truth it dosnt feel like it! Only place where you can have the feeling of this being a MMORPAG is on the imperial fleet.


Im so sad about this fact that there is no faction interference between the empire and the republic in the ingame world.


For me, I will quit this game after my prepaid time gone out and I will most likely never come back. Why ? Because I got such a bad taste of it already and im not a star wars fan.


Sorry this was not the game that would replace Wow for me that I thought it would be. I enjoy Wow much more than this. Even though it is not the same as before.


This game is for star wars fans, i know there are many of you! and casuals who never played a game before.

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Not trying to be a troll here but, out of curiosity, how is this game so mechanically different from WoW or any other game for that matter? Admittedly I haven't played through much of WoW, I have through other games, but they all have their population centre and plenty of dead areas.


They all allow grouping. SWTOR with its conversation system is more reinforcing of this from the very beginnings of a quest, through the end, than ANY other MMO out there.


They all have some form of raiding. SWTOR goes the extra mile of having some lower level Flashpoints to tide you over as you level. To my understanding, most other MMOs relegate raids to high level end game content encouraging a race to the end game and not enjoying the journey. Few other games bother and if you're lucky you might have some older legacy aids within reach from prior lower level caps.


Most of them handle PvP in one form or another. Most allow for /duel. Some have realm capturable control points. Some just have arena fights. SWTOR has a bit of variety here as I understand it.


Some games have some overly simplistic crafting systems. Some are nicely thought out. SWTOR didn't do so bad right out of the starting gate. Sure there is room for improvement, and we expect some.


Some older games are entirely open world. A lot of the not so old games have implemented instancing (not to be confused with layering or phasing) and some may have gone overboard and instanced nearly everything. There are arguments both for and against both models. Being entirely open world leads to people queuing up for boss spawns, ninja looters, and node snatchers. On the other hand, turning every adventure into an instance cuts players off from the rest of the player base and quite likely the one wondering good Samaritan who might save their hide. SWTOR at least tries to strike a balance between open world and private instances. There is still room for improvement but, I think most of the other MMOs are in the same predicament.


The one thing SWTOR lacks for now is a large, long standing community. But you know one thing it's fledgling debut has shown? Those other games aren't so perfect that no one had jumped ship to try the next newer better thing.


Not to dissuade you; go where you have the most fun. But is SWTOR really that different or worse off?

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