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PvP Healers - do YOU ever get MVP votes?


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I play an operative medic and generally focus on objectives as much as I can in warzones - healing the ball carrier, tipping the balance in small skirmishes, watching turrets and doors, helping cc or focus down enemies when I can.


I'm generally top or 2nd healing and usually get 1 MVP for that, sometimes 2.


The current system is ok, I like the way MVP votes discourage ppl from complaining in bgs imo but I would like to see either:


1) Auto rank ppl at the end of the fight by objective score (which btw needs some tweaking as objective score doesn't seem to reflect some important things like huttball scores)


2) Rework the medal system a bit so its geared more towards the bg objectives, or is a bit more rewarding of healing.


Because the best group pvp play imo is one that encourages teamwork and actually focussing on the goals of that particular warzone.

Edited by Eleu
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When I am full heal spec, I am top healer in 80% of the WZ's (the other 20% being anytime I'm in Voidstar with a sorc, who will double my numbers). That nets 1 - 3 MVP votes about half the time.


In my current hybrid spec (heals/ lethality), I am almost always 2nd healer (a typical match ends with me at 120k damage and 200k heals). I usually get 1 MVP vote, which I presume is from the top healer. I give them my vote.


This is 100% in PUGS. I'm not guilded, and everyone on my friends list appears to have quit the game.

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I need to move to your servers it sounds :)


Maybe it's just people not caring in general, I often get whispers after the game to say thanks for healing, but usually its by the only guy that sent me an MVP vote.


Whoever said its an L2P issue is retarded, from my personal expierience I top the healing nearly every game, and make a significant impact through both healing and objectives, I even dive into the frey sometimes to bait players away from my allies, interrupt abilities, cc, etc.


It just comes down to people either not caring at all about the MVP thing, or for some reason they're just voting for their friends :/

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