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Act 2 End Mission, Yet another "Stuck" Bug. **Spoilers inside**


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One more time, in case anyone ignored the warning in the title..






Okay. Anyway. So I ran through the Gauntlet with Yuun, got to the bit where I had to reach Vik. I apparently took the long route, and passed through the Railgun room on my way to get to Vik. Cutscene plays, I'm seen walking through the door next to Vik, though I actually approached from the hallway he is seen shooting down.


Point is, while passing through the Railgun room with Yuun, I'd extended bridges, and the warning alarm sound played simultaneously with the bridges extending. Nothing else, though. Now, once I'm with Vik, I have to go back through that room. Okay, no big deal, I already cleared it of all mobs. Cutscene plays, ship goes boom outside, I get it, there's a really big gun here, it can dish out some serious hurt. So I go to re-extend a bridge, the warning alarm plays, I think nothing of it (since nothing happened the last two times I extended a bridge and the warning alarm played). I get halfway across and find myself quite very dead.


My body fell to the bottom of the room, where I opted to have a probe revive me. I had knocked some mobs off the edge before, and they lived, and eventually made their way back up to me without evading, so I figured I'd be able to do the same.


No such luck. /stuck doesn't work (nor does it kill me). There's nowhere for me to QT to. I have 15 hours left on my fleet pass. I can't move from this spot, it resets me whenever I move a bit away. Am I just screwed until mid-day tomorrow, barring a miraculously fast response to my ticket?

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Your stuck. Not sure even with the ticket they'll move you. You may have to wait for your fleet pass. The only other thing I can suggest, is join a battleground and get kicked out of it. Apparently that will get you unstuck. I don't know, haven't tried it.
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I don't know why I didn't think to queue for a WZ. Thanks for the suggestion! Not getting my hopes up, but its at least worth a try. My fleet pass is fresh, but with any luck I won't have to use it.



Also, I just realized I placed this in Trooper>Commando, rather than Trooper. Whoops.





Won my warzone, was still stuck. Bummer. Let's hope I don't get stuck again. Haha

Edited by swils
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