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CE Store = LAME!


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As it stands now... it is pathetic.


1 outfit, modable, but bleh, republic outfit for republic side

A pet

A mount

2 alternate costumes, 1 for riggs 1 for T7


NO crystals of any nature


Nothing really SOCIAL about it.


If you ordered the CE for the CE store, as it stands now, you got burned.


Pathetic? Sounds like, more or less, about what I was expecting, personally. A few items you can only get with the CE. What were you expecting? Some giant mega-store with replacements for everything?

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Unless you've never before bought a CE of game, you are just plain stupid for complaining about what comes with the CE, 12 years old, or have the hopes, dreams, wishes, and mentality of a 12 year old.


It's a marketing ploy. It's been obvious for quite some time that CE are ALWAYS a rip off. They try to lure you in with one cool item, or at least something that SOUNDS cool and awesome!


They obviously can't give you awesome items in the CE store because it gives you an advantage over all others. For this reason, no CE will ever hold anything of real value. It;s all about gimmicky crap like pets, artwork book, map, additional lore, or items like the color crystal which is worth having, but in the end, doesn't accomplish anything.


They've only been releasing CE games in this manner for 10 years...and you're surprised you didn't get some UBER ITEM OF POWER to give you an edge in-game?


LOL...All I gotta say. :rolleyes:

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