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Annih PvP Stat Prio


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Hey Guys :) I am an Annih Marauder Vrank 65 atm and I was just wondering of the stat prio for this spec in Champ/BM gear?


Current stats:

(self buffed with rakata stim)


1486 Str

149 (97.93%) accuracy

248 Power

406 (23.68%) Crit

154 (73.05%) Surge

530 (10.60%) Expertise


I am just wondering about where to go next? More accuracy? (Those dodges/parries of annihilate and vicous throw are pretty annoying), more power? more crit? Would love some more surge but enhancements with surge + accuracy just seem not to exist and I really don't fancy dropping more accuracy.


As far as gear goes I have 2x BM Sabers, Implants and Ear, rest is Champion apart from Rakata head and Belt. Using 1x Champ relic and the Matrix Cube.


Any help is appreciated.


Thanks :)



Edited by Betraymodex
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More expertise. I don't have the link handy, but I remember seeing the graphs plotted out with DR curves for the individual stats. Expertise is going to give you the most bang for your buck. Also, not sure how you have less accuracy than me. Running rage with no narrowed hatred, but my accuracy is 99.xx%. Gear is currently full champ minus the hands, which are centurion.
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I think its the battlemaster implants, they drop accuracy for suge.


As for the expertise > all theory, there are still a few ideas floating about that say PvE gear is simplay better, not overall, but as part of your gear setup, the most common thing I have read is aiming for 500-600 expertise and then maxing the rest of your gear in PvE peices. Currently I do have rakata head/belt over the centurian head and champ belt, rest is PvP though.

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Certain classes will benefit from having a 2 piece set bonus of pve gear (tracer missle crit chance comes to mind), but marauder is not one of those classes. When combat parses come out, we'll know more, but based on personal experience, the stats I care about are expertise => accuracy => str => power => surge => crit in that order.


I run rage however, so crit isn't an issue for me. I would assume annihilate and carnage place higher emphasis on crit.

Edited by AGoldCrayon
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Hey Guys :) I am an Annih Marauder Vrank 65 atm and I was just wondering of the stat prio for this spec in Champ/BM gear?


Current stats:

(self buffed with rakata stim)


1486 Str

149 (97.93%) accuracy

248 Power

406 (23.68%) Crit

154 (73.05%) Surge

530 (10.60%) Expertise


I am just wondering about where to go next? More accuracy? (Those dodges/parries of annihilate and vicous throw are pretty annoying), more power? more crit? Would love some more surge but enhancements with surge + accuracy just seem not to exist and I really don't fancy dropping more accuracy.


As far as gear goes I have 2x BM Sabers, Implants and Ear, rest is Champion apart from Rakata head and Belt. Using 1x Champ relic and the Matrix Cube.


Any help is appreciated.


Thanks :)




What are you willing to do/pay for better gear, then I can tell you accordingly.

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Well I have quite a few crit/surge enhancements lying around but nearly all of my current enhancements are accuracy/power or accuracy/crit, and being just over 2% under cap already makes me hesitant to drop more accuracy for surge. One question I do have though is Matrix shard vs. BM/Champ relic x2?
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