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Romance Storylines and Flirting


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How tied together are flirting options with the romance storylines? I mean when I played my smuggler I flirted with everything in a skirt (which, if taken literally means none at all since we're playing star wars) so it was no surprise when the crew companion I chose to tie the knot with started asking about the relationship. But now I'm playing a sith warrior lightsider who comes off as too uptight to make playful advances and innuendoes. I ran into my first [flirt] dialogue choice the other day and had to skip over it.


The point of this thread is the following: How much, if any, flirting dialogue has to be chosen before a romance subplot is introduced? Is it like Mass Effect where you just have to talk to a romance option without royally ticking them off before the "what are we" talks start initiating and you choose the [flirt]/romance starting dialogue choice?

Edited by Tactical_Error
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When talking to a companion who can be romanced, just always select the flirt option.

Eventually, the companion will respond to your advances. As for NPC romances...to the best of my knowledge, those are all one night stands.

I'm not entirely sure if your companion will be pissed about you flirting around, or if they'll even know.

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You can probably skip one [flirt] or so, but you will not get a warning saying [if you do not flirt in this convo your toon will be forever alone]. I always do some flirting so I'm sure that the romance is locked, I don't use every single flirt. But I do try to flirt a little in every convo.


Don't skip too many flirts in the beginning so you lock yourself out of it, that is all.

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