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anhil/rage trees


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So I was bored at work and was looking over the forums to see the latest news. I see a bit aboutthe Anhil tree being better now for PVP. When I started I worked on a rage tree and have medium results. I attributed it to the fact i work full time and have things at home I have to do and cannot commit to an MMO fulltime and survive in this economy. With that said, I see good things about the anhil tree, but the rage tree used to be the way to go for pvp. how do the trees stack in comparison to each other now? Am I barking up the wrong tree? being able to have two sets was a nice feature in wow .. .let you go back and forth as needed or to tweek with one.


Any way. has the anhiltree become the new flavor in pvp or is rage still good? I've been tryign to just level and haven't been in game as much as I would like to commit I like playing but I like keeping food on the table too.

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the trees havent changed (until today, which is minimal anyway)


rage is the same as it was


it was never "better" for pvp, its just that is has always been "easier" for pvp


more people get good results with rage than with annihilation, but the people that do get good results with annihilation get results just as good as rage gets



bottom line, pick whichever you like the style/feel/look of the most, for all intents and purposes they are equal

Edited by CrazyAl
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You could have spent much less time getting your point across, if you didn't have all the: "Waah waaah, I can't keep up with the no-lifers 'cause I have a job and you don't loltroll"


Some argue Rage is better, some Annihilation. Try both yourself and decide which fits your playstyle more. I started as Rage, then switched to Annihilation and I'm not going back.

Edited by Luxidenstore
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it wasn't a complaint I was stating that I have not had the time to play and build muscle memory like some players. I was also stating that I am certain my performance is related to this. IE practice is in itself a method for improvement. not to mention I have not fully made it to 50 and that could be a changer right there. (you can always go back to wow to flame the douchery)


I also am simply asking that with the changes if one was nerfed or buffed, Ihave been playing one style, the anhil tree would yeild a differnt play style. I would rather not be using one that just got nerfed. I cna try both, but I was asking the general population on if one was yeilding better results based on the classes that are out there and are being used alot more than others. . IE inq. I can experiment however being that I am at work I am asking people that have been playing with it or have used that tree thier thoughts on the tree since the change.


it sounds like it works, just both trees are differnt play styles and both require a bit o practice to master and yeild the highest results. Just making sure I was't wasting my time in a dead tree.

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