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development ideas


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hi players and fans alike, first this is not a this suks i quit topic this i hope will be read by bioware and maybe used by them to see what there players want


i notice a lot of ppl complaining about bugs and other things that dont work right, while this maybe true can any of u that have played MMO's name a MMO that was bug free on launch? over all the game gets better with each patch, however i feel there is still room for improvment.


changes that i think will make the game better overall


1.) the space combat missions while fun are a bit shall we say dated i use to play a game called freelancer and i believe space combat like that would be great here


2.)missions when boarding hostile ship/station could still use the current space system lets be real if ur trying to board a big nasty battle cruiser im sure the crew on said ship are gonna try and prevent this i proposes these sort of missions start in space and u need to say take out turrets sheilds and fighters befor u can dock


3.)PvP a touchy subject im sure with a lot of u over all i enjoy it personaly i would have made it inter-server and lvl bracketed it say lvl 10-20 21-30 31-40 41-49 and 50's all players bolstered still to make it fair on the lower lvl players this should help negate the very real problem lower lvl players have with the lack of skills.


as i have previously said this is just ideas that i think will make the game better not a rant or moan and i am very intrested in what ideas other players have to improve the game

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