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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

why can I never find item modifications on the market ???


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A few points;


some of the planets have mod venders that sell greens/ blues for outright cash.


most planets have venders that sell orange weapons / armor for cash - simply take out the mods you want, even if you can't use the weapon !


the typical return on selling low / mid level items is less than selling an end game crafted item and the amount of real time to make each is about the same.


cash is fairly easy to get once you have one toon to 50. 200k+ for less than 2 hours of dailies should keep any alt in business each day provided you're not just buying all of your raw mats.

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I have pretty much stopped listing item mods until the market corrects itself. I was making good money and selling level 22 Armoring on a regular basis until two crafters, Equus and Greyhound, came in a not only massively dropped the prices in the market, but in some instances sold items at a loss and at other times sold items for WAY less then what the materials themselves were worth. I wrote letters to both of them, with no response. The trouble is they can keep doing this until they quit the game because they can earn money from missions and constantly lose money on crafting and never be the wiser since they aren't paying attention to what they are charging versus the cost.


I had this same thing happen to me on both of my main crafters. Emails to the other crafters went unanswered so my solution was.....I bought every single one of their massively underpriced items and re-sold them priced at the levels I was used to selling them at. Easy profit for me! Heck, there is one blue quality item I've bought and re-sold, I'm guessing 60-70 times, that I don't even have the blue recipe for...I've never needed to RE to get it since others are willing to make the product and list it for default price for me to buy and resell. It's amazing how many people will sell items at the default price the GTN suggests...I guess they simply don't know, or care to find out, how much items will actually sell for.


I've found "dead" spots in the market that no one was selling items for, as the OP was talking about, and have profitted greatly from filling that void. I liken myself as the Wal-Mart of crafting. I don't cater to the high end buyers (well not yet), but I sell a TON of items to the lower end people! :)

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I've played every day since the first day of early access. Its always been a nightmare trying to buy the item modifications I need for my class.


right now on both faction markets on my server (ajunta pall) there is literally NOTHING for me to buy. In fact there is nothing to buy until lvl 41.


I cant get what I want from the commendation vendors. for some reason there arent the correct stat items I need for my assassin dps and shadow dps.


I need willpower first over endurance yet the commendation mods are always endurance higher


I need crit yet the enhancement mods on commendation vendors always have power.


I'm the type of player that wants the best possible gear for every level. It makes me sick to have lvl 24 blue mods as a lvl 28. I would prefer for all blues with the proper stats but epics would be better.


Its incredibly frustrating to have all these credits, spam trade channel, check market on both sides, and come up empty day after day.


are there just no crafters in the game ? or is the demand so high they sell out ? I suspect no crafters because I ask all the time in trade and maybe get one response and its someone who wants me to /tell them if I do find someone


I hear you from both sides of the issue.


As a player I'm much like you. I like to have my gear up-to-level and granting the right bonuses. I, too, have difficulty finding useful things on the GTN.


I also like to craft and I tend to take these sorts of posts as indicators that I should research and maybe enter into a market. However, in this game, at this time, I'm discouraged from doing so. The factors that discourage me are:


  • Reverse Engineering doesn't return as I'd like. I have to break way too many items (read: invest way too much time and credits) to get the blue and especially purple level items that I want to sell.
  • Raw Mats are hard. I'm not a big fan of farming. I would love to go to the GTN and buy the raw materials that I need to make the trinkets I can make for you, but they're either not there or way more expensive than I think they should be.
  • Credits are easy. One of the benefits to crafting should be to make a good profit. It requires an investment of time, credits, and at least some thought. But I don't really need credits to do what I want to do in the game. Well, I guess I need them but I have more than I need for the next several months. In past MMOs I have been driven by goals (ex. get into the WoW million gold club). I'm not so driven by those any more.


Still, I suppose if RE didn't suck and raw mats were more readily available and less expensive, I'd craft a lot more. I know the demand for the trinkets is there.

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Why does max level effect whether blues/greens/purples sell? The point which is clear, is that if you craft greens and blues and expect large sales, don't.


Because at least up until max/near max level, blues sell quite well. (at least implants, earpieces, and crafted armor... armoring/mods are so cheap from commendations that I haven't bothered, and the earpieces sell fast enough to keep my cyber busy).


And with the cyber, it's definitely not the case that i'm forgoing opportunity cost on the mats, (which is probably the case with bio, and possibly with synthweaving), as I buy most of the mats except the blue ones off the GTN.


'Course, I still don't understand the prices I see synthweaving mats (apparently) selling for on the GTN. Every so often I'll see something relatively realistically priced and pick it up, but most of the time the stuff seems to be priced for many times what it costs running missions for it. I can only assume it's high levels buying the stuff to PL their skill to make the rakata stuff, but the rakata stuff isn't all THAT good... so I just don't get it.

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  • Raw Mats are hard. I'm not a big fan of farming. I would love to go to the GTN and buy the raw materials that I need to make the trinkets I can make for you, but they're either not there or way more expensive than I think they should be.


So send your companions off on missions to get the mats. That's, without a doubt, my primary means of obtaining them.

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