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The feeback I e-mailed to SWTOR team


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I just received the automated e-mail from SWTOR team with the address where you can submit your feedback. I took 2 mins to do it and wanted to know if I'm the only one who would make these comments on SWTOR:




I just got your automated e-mail with the address to submit feeback. I don't know if this will ever be read but I will take a minute to give you my impressions playing SWTOR. To give some background, I'm a XX y.o. male, living in XXX, professionnal programmer, playing MMO's since 2002 although casually (5-15 hours / week). I didn't reach max level yet and I take my time to explore the various quests.


In my opinion, the major unique sales point of SWTOR is the way quests are presented and this is what I say when I try to convince people to give SWTOR a try. I can't remember a single MMO (or any video game, in fact) where I felt so compelled to know about the story. That's what keeps me playing and coming back to the game so far: I want to know where this is all going. The voice acting is very well done and the quests, although not very different than the basic "bring me 10 rats tails" type we've seen for the past decade have this little plus that makes me want to complete them.


On the other hand, despite SWTOR being a MMO, it feels like a single player game. In about a month play, I have grouped with other people 2 or 3 times. I randomly see other players crossing my path but that's about it. They could be NPC's as far as interactions go. Unfortunately, if I turn to the MMO genre, it is not to play solo. As said previously, I want to see the story arc of my main character unfold but I'm afraid that once this is done, I will simply quit the game and move on to something more socially developed. Giving the opportunity to the player to complete his own story arc solo is good but it would also need social content other than basic instances with harder mobs.


Although I am not sure than a "dungeon finder" tool is the best thing to implement in a MMO community-wise, it does help match oneself with other players of the same level to reach a common goal. That's what I think SWTOR lacks the most. I don't want to repeat over and over again in the chat that I'm "tank LFG for X flashpoint".


The overall execution of the game feels well-done but not very polished. Early days syndrome, I would guess but I'm sadened to see that countless quirks and bugs are now part of the industry standard. I won't go into details as you surely know what I'm talking about by simply reading the forums or your ticketing system.


I will not comment on the interface as I've seen you have its optimization in your current pipeline.


So, to summarize, here's what I'd say: "interesting solo game set in a MMO context but lacking social facilities to truly make it a multiplayer experience and still having many issues, although non game breaking, that need fixing to remove the amateurish feel of the programming".


Best regards,

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I wrote something very very similar after the pre-release mass week end invite.


Since then I found that if I play a tank or healer I can do a fair bit of grouping, not always easily but it tends to happen a fair bit. And sometimes find a good group to even run a few Heroics together.


But I do understand where you are coming from.

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