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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I am sure this has been asked before


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I apologize but blame the SWoTR forum search function.


I am a level 50 PvP Shadow and now want to begin trade skilling. I am interested in the reusable adrenal's and medpacs and I have credits. I was told to do Bio-chem, Bio-analysis and diplomacy which I started. I have the basic gist of it down. I think my skills are in the 50-100 range now.



I am at a point where I do not have the materials to do BioChem, am I supposed to farm or buy them? I thought bio-analysis was the method to get the components? I have not tradeskilled since EQ, back then we had skill up recipe paths to get to your ultimate goal (400.)


Are the re-usable medpacs and adrenals now transferable or is that coming in an upcoming patch? If so what are the items called and I will go to the GTM.


PS I never really cared about companion affection before so mine is currently low. Diplomacy is yielding gifts so I will eventually give them to the appropriate companion and do some companion quests. (I just need to wrire down what they all like from Torhead)

Edited by richardya
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To get mats, you can either send your companions on Bioanalysis missions (cost money and the companion is unavailable while doing the mission) or farm them yourself (costing you time, but it's free) Or, naturally, a combination of both.


I tend to try to craft as much as possible above my level so stuff is ready for me when I get there, which generally means I have to get all my mats via missions (or via the GTN, though that's terribly overpriced for some skills, definitely so for bio) Since you're already 50, that isn't a problem, you shouldn't have much difficulty farming your own stuff.


The reuseable medpacks/adrenals/stims up to lvl 49 have always been transferable. They're just the purple RE'd variety of the regular schematics you buy. I have no idea whether or not the lvl 50 ones you can w/o needing to RE them are transferable.

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The Rakata reusables are BoP, so you'll only be able to use them for yourself.


The level 48 greens can be RE-ed into blues which are BoE and consummable, and those you can send to your alts or sell.


Regarding Bioanalysis, there are two ways to get mats, aside from sending your companions on missions:


1. pick up nodes around the world


2. kill beasts and skin them (only silver and above can be skinned; the weak ones can't).


Probably the most efficient way to farm is to find a nice secluded corner with a lot of animals and kill them repeatedly. It saves you a lot of running around looking for nodes, especially with planets being so huge and no flying mounts available to us. Also, you can solo dungeons with beast mobs and reset them repeatedly.

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When you kill things like lizards and other animals, it should most times have an option to loot the body, then to use your Bioanalysis to loot for Biochem mats. There also should be regular nodes, and Bioanalysis has missions to run to get mats. That should give you the basic (green) type items; the Diplomacy is for the blue and purple items you need for the blue and purple Biochem items. Also note, they level seperately, so you have to keep both your Biochem and Bioanalysis up to about the same level to get the proper mats. Biochem levels by making stim packs and such, and Bioanalysis by harvesting in open world, and from running Missions in the Crew Skill window.


Companion affection doesn't do much, other than to decrease the time it takes to run the missions for Bioanalysis and Diplomacy.


Here is a nice guide here on the forums for leveling the skills up the cheapest:


CompassRose Crew Skill leveling spreadsheet


Hope that helps some!

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I apologize but blame the SWoTR forum search function.


I am a level 50 PvP Shadow and now want to begin trade skilling. I am interested in the reusable adrenal's and medpacs and I have credits. I was told to do Bio-chem, Bio-analysis and diplomacy which I started. I have the basic gist of it down. I think my skills are in the 50-100 range now.



I am at a point where I do not have the materials to do BioChem, am I supposed to farm or buy them? I thought bio-analysis was the method to get the components? I have not tradeskilled since EQ, back then we had skill up recipe paths to get to your ultimate goal (400.)


Are the re-usable medpacs and adrenals now transferable or is that coming in an upcoming patch? If so what are the items called and I will go to the GTM.


PS I never really cared about companion affection before so mine is currently low. Diplomacy is yielding gifts so I will eventually give them to the appropriate companion and do some companion quests. (I just need to wrire down what they all like from Torhead)



On the gift part .. If you bring up their affection it will speed up the mission times and lower the chance of them not failing the mission.

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Thanks to all. (especially the spreadsheet link)

I actually just figured out what skinning was now that I chose my crew skills.

Still not sure what a "node" is.


By 'node' I mean anything you can click on that isn't a kill, noted by a star on the minimap; that star will also show up for the 'skinning', too.

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