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Biochem Re-Ing Implant Question


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You can, of course, RE it if you want some mats back, but you won't get a better recipe from it. Mat return is also horrible, so RE-ing it would be a bad idea.


And yes, you can crit a Mastercraft, which will have an open augment slot. You might have to make a bunch before you crit one, but you can always try to sell them.

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Endowment Nano-Optic Response Implant (Superior) "purple"


Does the purple mean I can't reverse engineer it any further?


Also, is it possible to craft this item with an open aug slot?



Does the purple mean I can't reverse engineer it any further?:


As far as I have seen, once you get to "Superior" items there is no further levels that can be obtained via RE. Now that is saying you have opened all of the "Superior" items as there are 14 more Prefix tages available from crafting blue Nano-Optic items. Here is the best link for this type of info.





Also, is it possible to craft this item with an open aug slot?:


That is correct. If you continue to craft Ednowment items eventually you will critically craft one which will have an augment slot.

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Also, is it possible to craft this item with an open aug slot?




Augments come from critically crafted items. They will have a special suffix added to the end




Base items (learned from schematics or trainers) gain the suffix [Exceptional] when critically crafted.


Tier 1 Prefix items (learned from RE'ing a base item) gain the suffix [Advanced] when critically crafted.


Tier 2 Prefix items (learned from RE'ing a Tier 1 Prefix item) already have a suffix when they are not critically crafted. This suffix is [superior] and while it looks like a critical craft tag, it is not. It merely indicates that the item is a Tier 2 Prefix item. When one of these items is critically crafted, the [superior] suffix is replaced with [Mastercraft].

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