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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

List of slicing results.


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Hi, is there a webiste somewhere that tracks slicing results ? More specifically I would like to know...


1. How much credits do the lockboxes from mission contain (rich / abundant / moderate...) ?


2. What are the odds that you get a Crew Mission drop from a mission ? And are these odds different per companion ? Different for rich / abundant / moderate ?

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The companion question is relatively easy to answer. Look at your companions in the crafting window, do they have a bonus for slicing? If a companion does, then they have a slightly increased chance of producing better results (more credits / better items) from a slicing mission.
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i doubt this information exists. and even if it did... it'd be mainly useless.


but ask yourself this.... who would be taking the time to catalog this data, then compiling it then posting it.


when the reality of slicing is pretty much well established. it's not rocket science.


one step below max rank slicing missions... moderate yield. at 400 skill are like 900 credits. there's also sometimes one for 1k or so. those tend to return the best results.


...if you like gambling go with the cheapest... max lvl slicing mission. the 1400 ones.



in my experience... the 2k-ish missions never pay out.



and at best, regardless of mission... you net a couple hundred credits here and there.


it isn't what it was. and never will be again. it's probably better doing just about anything else to make credits. inc ...playing the game

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i doubt this information exists. and even if it did... it'd be mainly useless


Quite the contrary... say, as an example, that the data would show that the average lvl 6 mission would cost 25% more credits & time than a lvl 5 mission but makes on average 35% more profit.


Or that doing 3 level 2 missions would take the same time & credits as 1 lvl 5 but gives more credits.


I would find that very usefull :-)



And yes... I agree, you make more money actually playing the game then with the mission. But they add up, so...

Edited by Yogol
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I've found that the Rich lvl 5 missions yeild the best bang for your buck as they tend to bring back the 340 purp missions and a blue box, not everytime mind you, but after you sell the mission and pop that blue box it makes it all worth it.
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Quite the contrary... say, as an example, that the data would show that the average lvl 6 mission would cost 25% more credits & time than a lvl 5 mission but makes on average 35% more profit.


Or that doing 3 level 2 missions would take the same time & credits as 1 lvl 5 but gives more credits.


I would find that very usefull :-)



And yes... I agree, you make more money actually playing the game then with the mission. But they add up, so...


The sample size would be way too small to assume anything from a few user's numbers. You would need a huge sample of thousands if not tens of thousands of attempts to come up with usable data.

Edited by Owsley
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i doubt this information exists. and even if it did... it'd be mainly useless.


but ask yourself this.... who would be taking the time to catalog this data, then compiling it then posting it.


when the reality of slicing is pretty much well established. it's not rocket science.


one step below max rank slicing missions... moderate yield. at 400 skill are like 900 credits. there's also sometimes one for 1k or so. those tend to return the best results.


...if you like gambling go with the cheapest... max lvl slicing mission. the 1400 ones.



in my experience... the 2k-ish missions never pay out.



and at best, regardless of mission... you net a couple hundred credits here and there.


it isn't what it was. and never will be again. it's probably better doing just about anything else to make credits. inc ...playing the game





And you would be wrong on just about all counts.


I'm currently assembling and analyzing slicing data across most of my characters (limited only to characters with 400 Slicing skill). When I have a reasonable sample size, I intend to post the results of my analysis and quite possibly the data if anyone is interested.


What I have found after 327 missions is:


  • The overall average profit (CR only) is 589 credits.
  • T7-01 gets the best average CR profit at 976. He does have +Crit on Slicing.
  • C2-N2 gets the worst average CR profit at 366. Then again, I don't send him on the big missions.
  • Rank 4 missions have an average CR profit of 315.
  • Rank 5 missions have an average CR profit of 711.
  • Rank 6 missions have an average CR profit of 321.
  • Abundant yield missions have an average CR profit of 426.
  • Bountiful yield missions have an average CR profit of 282.
  • Rich yield missions have an average CR profit of 802.


The best named slicing missions (Republic side) are, in order with profits:


  • Finding Our Way @ 884 CR
  • Taking Back Control @ 683 CR
  • His Home is His Castle @ 554 CR
  • Be Careful What You Read @ 433 CR


The vast majority of the profit seems to be on the rank 5 missions.


Some notes about how I'm running these missions:


  • I track slicing missions on characters with 400 Slicing only.
  • I prefer to run the Rich Yield Rank 5 missions over all others. If I think one should be available and it isn't, I run a Moderate Yield Rank 1 mission to reset.
  • I tend to give the best pet for the mission, the mission. For example I like to keep T7 on the Rich Yield Rank 5 missions because of his +Crit.
  • I won't run Moderate Yield missions.
  • I tend to avoid Rank 4 missions.
  • I'm tracking crits - missions and augments - but I don't have analysis for them yet.
  • I tend not to care about how much time the mission takes. I'm not tracking profit/minute.

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Something I find very interesting is that CN seems to crit fairly often for my Slicer. I have Slicing on a level 25 character, whose other 2 companions are nearly maxed (one at 8.5K and one at 9.5K), and CN is the only one who seems to bring back missions reliably. I found it extremely odd, since I would expect him to perform the worst.


Probably the others are just being unlucky, but it made me wonder if the annoying droid is seeded differently for different characters.

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Something I find very interesting is that CN seems to crit fairly often for my Slicer. I have Slicing on a level 25 character, whose other 2 companions are nearly maxed (one at 8.5K and one at 9.5K), and CN is the only one who seems to bring back missions reliably. I found it extremely odd, since I would expect him to perform the worst.


Probably the others are just being unlucky, but it made me wonder if the annoying droid is seeded differently for different characters.


Crit by pet is interesting. So far my top 5:


  • Felix Iresso, 10k Affection, 33.3% Crit
  • T7-01, 8,500 Affection, 27% Crit
  • Kira Carsen, 4,800 Affection, 25% Crit
  • Zenith, 8,500 Affection, 24% Crit
  • Nadia Grell, 10k Affection, 21.6% Crit


And my lowest 3:


  • C2-N2, 0 Affection, 12.5% Crit
  • M1-4X, 9,800 Affection, 13.5% Crit
  • Theran Cedrax, 10k Affection, 14.3% Crit


Hrm. Based on this I'm going to have to change who I'm giving the Rank 5 Rich Yield missions to.


By mission, top 3 for crit %:


  • Pointing Fingers 33.3%
  • His Home is His Castle 31.8%
  • Finding Our Way 21.4%

Edited by DarthTHC
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Obviously, you have data, while I only have impressions, but I also noticed that Forex seems to crit less often than others.


I should start tracking this as well, since my trooper is 50 and all companions are maxed, and I run a lot of missions on her while leveling my sage.


Thanks for the data you posted. I'll keep watching for your posts.

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  • ...

Thank you for this data, both for collecting it and sharing it!



  • I'm tracking crits - missions and augments - but I don't have analysis for them yet.


Maybe this will change the order of importance of your quests, I can't wait to see your data on it!


It is no exception for me to sell purple rating-340 missions for 15,000 credits on GTN, so that really, really adds up in favor of level 6 missions : rating-300 missins rarely sell for more than 5,000.



  • I tend not to care about how much time the mission takes


That is easy to add afterwards anyways :)

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You can get 340 missions from the level 5 missions too.


Also, check the prices of ship parts on your server. Except for the Kuat Drive Missile Drive, the other 4 require the grade 5 epic metal. Thanks to that, it's selling for a lot more than Mando Iron on my server.


That makes 300 Scav and UT missions extremely valuable, and they seem to be a lot more rare than the 340 ones too. I scan for them all the time, and there are usually none on, while there are pages of 340 missions.

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Maybe this will change the order of importance of your quests, I can't wait to see your data on it!


It is no exception for me to sell purple rating-340 missions for 15,000 credits on GTN, so that really, really adds up in favor of level 6 missions : rating-300 missins rarely sell for more than 5,000.



Actually it seems to be the Augments that matter the most for return value. When considering Credit return + the value of missions and augments, the top missions by credit return are the discovered slicing mission ones. (The Wealthy ones.) I'm certain this is because of the high value of good Augments on my server.


Aside from the mission discovery missions:


  • His Home is His Castle @ 4,221
  • Finding Our Way @ 3,315
  • The Azure Databanks @ 2,397
  • Taking Back Control @ 1,972


Intriguing that Abundant yield missions outperform Rich yield missions. :confused:

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