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Best PvP Spec...it's not even close


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Annihilation hands down. let me start by saying I have played all 3 specs and originally thought Rage was best. I started as carnage and played that through about lvl 22. then switched to annihilation until about lvl 40. From 40 through first 2 weeks of being 50 I played rage. Switched to Annihilation last night, and the difference in damage both in pve and pvp is amazing.


I liked rage. I felt that it played very similar to the old rec bomb paladin from wow, which was cool with me because I loved that class before they nerffed the spec, however I felt there was a little something missing. It was also very frustrating to set up the big smash and get knocked back at the same time i was about to cast it rendering it useless. Also for me constantly having to sit still to do force choke was leading to me being focused to death.


In come the Annihilation spec, and from the first match I played I was dominant. Not dominant like I can take on 3 guys and kill them, but dominant so that 1v1 I am sure the other guy is going to die. Heavy armor, no problem. Healer no problem, knockback no problem, cc lol go ahead and cc me while my bleeds kill you, NO PROBLEM.



This is what a Marauder should feel like, this is what a sith warrior should feel like...a pure death dealing machine.

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Annihilation hands down. let me start by saying I have played all 3 specs and originally thought Rage was best. I started as carnage and played that through about lvl 22. then switched to annihilation until about lvl 40. From 40 through first 2 weeks of being 50 I played rage. Switched to Annihilation last night, and the difference in damage both in pve and pvp is amazing.


I liked rage. I felt that it played very similar to the old rec bomb paladin from wow, which was cool with me because I loved that class before they nerffed the spec, however I felt there was a little something missing. It was also very frustrating to set up the big smash and get knocked back at the same time i was about to cast it rendering it useless. Also for me constantly having to sit still to do force choke was leading to me being focused to death.


In come the Annihilation spec, and from the first match I played I was dominant. Not dominant like I can take on 3 guys and kill them, but dominant so that 1v1 I am sure the other guy is going to die. Heavy armor, no problem. Healer no problem, knockback no problem, cc lol go ahead and cc me while my bleeds kill you, NO PROBLEM.



This is what a Marauder should feel like, this is what a sith warrior should feel like...a pure death dealing machine.

dots and death dealing machine dont go together xD

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So the OP is saying that the best PvP spec hands down is Anni and he quit playing Carnage at lvl 22. Has no evidence to back up his claims other than personal preference.


You lost all credability right there.


sorry. from what i have seen and read carnage was never in the running. All say it's ok, but need a buff. I am running the 31/7/3


carnage could work ok, but i think u need the bleeds, and crits from bleeds to totally demolish the heavy armor wearers and healers. Another reason i like annihilation as i have stated is because u don't have to root yourself with any ability that has a cast bar. so you can keep moving fast.

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So the OP is saying that the best PvP spec hands down is Anni and he quit playing Carnage at lvl 22. Has no evidence to back up his claims other than personal preference.


You lost all credability right there.


look i am not trying to argue with you, simple point, try all three, spec the build that's sticky right here in our forum (the annihilation build) and then try carnage and rage, and tell me if you don't notice an immediate difference. if you don't want more pvp wins, stick to rage, or carnage, but if your like me and you want to win, annihilation is the way to go right now.

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dots and death dealing machine dont go together xD


You never saw my Shadow Priest on WoW then because that's exactly what it was. 2-3 DoTs, passive healing, bubble, and some burst damage.......unstoppable, literally.

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You should probably watch Stump's stream when he's running 13/15/13 build. Granted, you need to be at his gear level for it to work, imo, but that spec dominates hard.


13/15/13? Could work...




































... against clueless people.

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I guess you have never watched his stream...


I didnt, and Im quite sure he is killing people with that spec if you are saying so. But then again you dont need any sort of decent spec to kill clueless people. Because that spec is preccy much LoL.

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13/15/13 looks like an Ataru form spec trying to maximize mobility, while maintaining respectable damage with Rupture + DS, and otherwise spamming the hell out of VS.


Weaknesses: Lack of any utility apart from the mobility, low durability.

Strengths: V. high mobility. Basically you can chase anything in the game, hard.


Mechanics synergies: Possible Ataru spamprocrate from Rupture + DS ticks. Deficient from no ARPEN capability, but the bleeds help mitigate this a little. Sidenote: don't use Scream in this spec.



Seems like a very poor spec for smashing down a healer. Also bad for AOE.


The raw mobility would be fun to play though.


Edit: It's like a less-bad version of a 32 Carnage spec. You lose the roots, crit damage, usable Scream, and a reliable Ataru, but you gain Deadly Saber, faster leap, Obliterate (which is > VS), and a more potent VS.


Basically if you take a 32 Carn spec and drop Massacre for Deadly Saber, then you lose most of the purpose of being deep into Carnage (also considering Gore's overall weakness). Which means you start to continuously shave points out of Carn until you result in a build similar to 13/15/13.

Edited by EasymodeX
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