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PT or VG...


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Hey all, I'm hoping those of you that have experience with these classes can help me out. Right now I have a Sith Sorcerer and a Jedi Guardian I am leveling. I'm enjoying both and they're really different and fun. When I hit 50 with my Sorc, I will respec to be my end-game healer. My Guardian is leveling as a tank for FPs/Heroics but I'm not sure yet what I want to do with him at endgame. Anyway, I plan on having maybe 2 more characters...I'm trying to figure out what I want to do with them for endgame, and I'm a bit conflicted. If you have any experience and info to help sway me I'd greatly appreciate it.


Vanguard vs. Powertech:


Ever since I started playing TOR I eventually wanted to tank with one of these at endgame, but I'm torn.


Vanguard: I like the Vanguard better for a few reasons...I love the aesthetic look of the Republic Trooper armor sets, Blaster Rifles make more sense to me aesthetically than a pistol, I like Pulse Cannon better than Flamethrower, and I am drawn to the Trooper's story, whereas I have no interest in the BH's story. I understand that a few abilities (namely the Trooper equivalent of Death From Above) is bugged and has a delay, but I mostly do PvE and I'm assuming that BW will fix this eventually.


Powertech: As stated above, I'm not really enjoying the BH story so far, and one of the big reasons I enjoy TOR is because of the story progression while leveling. However, a couple factors are making me consider Powertech...first, I do like Death from Above and Rocket Punch better than the Trooper equivalent abilities. Next, I am also interested in possibly playing as a Commando. If I choose Powertech, I will likely make a Commando at some point which would balance my factions role-wise. Third, Powertech's start with a healing companion right away, whereas Troopers have to wait till late 20's I believe.


If I go with Powertech, my endgame linup will look like this: Sorc healer, PT tank, Guardian tank, Commando healer or ranged damage.


If I go with Vanguard, my endgame linup will probably be: Vanguard tank, Guardian melee damage/off-tank, Sorc healer, IA sniper OR operative healer.


Sorry for the long post, I get very bogged down in these kinds of decisions, if anyone can shed some light on this and has any input I'd greatly appreciate it!

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bounty hunters have a massive advantage over troopers because unload and DFA do not have buggy delays when channeling, play both to level 10 and you will know what i mean, contrary to what people say that it doesnt make a big diffrent any serious pvp will tell you even 1.5 seconds makes a massive diffrence in pvp, especially for a aoe that has a 1 minute cooldown and is used to stop caps on doors and to apply quick aoe pressure
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I found the BH story pretty damn good and liked the voice acting, though I thought the choices for the last mission were kinda lame. I really like playing full Shield Tech PT for group PVE tanking, though it's average at best spec at PVP (We really need dual specs!).
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You really already answered your own question. Go with the one who's story you like better, since for all intents and purposes, pve-wise which you've already stated i believe will be your main focus, they're pretty much on even ground. A few animation and delay issues which will hopefully get worked out, nothing game breaking. Plus you've already stated an aesthetic preference... go with the vanguard.
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