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Open-World PvP


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I would just like to present my support for open world pvp. I'm talking about a whole bunch of Republic wandering into an Imperial base and killing everyone. This kind of PvP is what keeps MMOs interesting, I find recent MMOs are far too limiting with your ability to interact with the world; you are a hero amongst heroes in an expansive conflict between the Faction that reinforces your ideals and a faction that is attempting to thwart them; I should be able to go and take my frustration with this ideological conflict out on an enemy base, hindering the oppositions capability of leveling through quests and progressing my enemy's plans for the world, and killing any hapless heroes in the process.


On a serious note; I bring this up because the End-Game PvP scene is currently lacking plenty of depth; I sit in the fleet and press the button in the right hand corner of my screen until i get placed in a Warzone that i have already played out over 50 times. It would also give level 50s more of a chance to see old worlds, create comradery within a server, and a new way of receiving those prestigious Valor Ranks.


A few balancing issues: This would only be available on PvP worlds, one faction would get valor for killing key NPCs and holding territories. Defenders would receive increased Valor for coming to the aid of a town/village/quest hub currently in enemy hands (and possibly bolstered stats). Also low-levels could receive experience for defending an area, so as not to interfere too heavily on their leveling process.


This is a good idea because it provides people that play on a PvP world some actual PvP, to better distinguish between PvP and PvE players, but more importantly it would give players a chance at having a shipload of fun. I was an avid PvPer in World of Warcraft (when i used to play it) and the best fun i had was when i went and took over a section of the enemy city with a bunch of select friends, and the fight we had on our hands to maintain control when the enemy mustered a resistance. Most MMOs now place 'insta-gib' Guards in any area that could have the potential to fall into enemy hands, and i just think this is not in the spirit of MMOs. If i wanted to queue for pvp and wait around all day, i wouldn't play a game with an immersive world, I would play LoL or CoD.


This also removes the need for implementing new Warzones every major patch to keep PvP fresh; the players create the Warzones.

Edited by Wolfgarrex
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Call me a naive nerf-herder... but I thought you could do that on PvP worlds anyway?

I always assumed that was the difference- that on a PvP world, if some gang of Imperials wanted to storm over to the Republic side of the map and attack players and NPCs alike, they could?


That's one of the most significant reasons I have for avoiding PvP servers like the plague- not *wanting* to have some opposite faction jerk to run up and kill me when I'm busy running a mission, or down-time rping in a cantina, so a slight eye-opener for me if that's never been the case.

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Call me a naive nerf-herder... but I thought you could do that on PvP worlds anyway?

I always assumed that was the difference- that on a PvP world, if some gang of Imperials wanted to storm over to the Republic side of the map and attack players and NPCs alike, they could?


That's one of the most significant reasons I have for avoiding PvP servers like the plague- not *wanting* to have some opposite faction jerk to run up and kill me when I'm busy running a mission, or down-time rping in a cantina, so a slight eye-opener for me if that's never been the case.


Most significant areas are not accessible by the opposite faction or have guards that one shot you.

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Only if there are free server transfers.


It might be fun, I don't doubt that, and personally it would never affect me now because I've learned my lesson about PvP in WoW and EVE. I'm a PvE player but I played on a WoW PvP server for years because that's where my friends started out and that's where they told me to go.


Let me tell you a bit about my experiences.


If I want to quest and enjoy the story, this kind of PvP is incredibly disruptive. I just want to do my dailies so I can be kitted out for raid night and suddenly two players of the opposite faction decide not just that I need to die, but that I need to do so repeatedly for hours on end. Sure I could call my guild, but all of them are also PvE players and the PvP guys probably have a PvP guild with a bunch of people thinking ganking is the height of fashion.


Why, you may ask, did I not adapt? Why not learn to PvP, get kitted out and show them what's what? Well, for one, it's usually not a fair fight and the odds were always stacked in their favor. I don't enjoy the world PvP game (structured PvP like Guild Wars guild battles on the other hand, completely different story) so I will never be great at it. More often than not gankers come in groups, and even if they didn't, I was a WoW holy priest. Yeah, you can guess how that worked out in PvE gear. Even the WoW devs said there could never be 1-on-1 balance, too many variables. Expansion days were the worst. Every patch was nothing but stress and ganking.


I ended up taking my four max level characters and paying a rather ridiculous amount of money to get away from it all. People end up on PvP servers for all sorts of reasons and they should always have the option to leave, preferably for free. It's fun as long as you want to play the PvP part, but it gets tedious fast if you want to do anything else. So there should be protections in place - easy transfers on and off such servers, clearer warnings about what type of play the server will encourage and maybe some way to appeal to a community police force or something for excessive gankers.

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I would rather play Hello Kitty Online: Island Adventures, than play on a PvE server.


I never understood why people find ganking to be so horrid, and that it "stops them from doing their missions/dailies". Why are you even playing a multiplayer game? Half the fun when going out into a zone, is the chance that you will be jumped by the enemy faction.


Not sure you noticed, but there's a war brewing up. I just don't get why people need to be protected by mega-guards or shielded places because they want to level up and do their missions. There are so many instanced areas one can escape into/do one's quests - that it's almost silly. Furthermore, we don't even get any Valor/Commendations/Drops for killing enemy players on a PvP server, which is by far the worst problem with the game right now.


If you're scared of fighting thinking and calculating opponents, and would rather fight code - do not roll on a PvP server - but please, fix our PvP servers so they actually ARE PvP servers.

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Only if there are free server transfers.


It might be fun, I don't doubt that, and personally it would never affect me now because I've learned my lesson about PvP in WoW and EVE. I'm a PvE player but I played on a WoW PvP server for years because that's where my friends started out and that's where they told me to go.


Let me tell you a bit about my experiences.


If I want to quest and enjoy the story, this kind of PvP is incredibly disruptive. I just want to do my dailies so I can be kitted out for raid night and suddenly two players of the opposite faction decide not just that I need to die, but that I need to do so repeatedly for hours on end. Sure I could call my guild, but all of them are also PvE players and the PvP guys probably have a PvP guild with a bunch of people thinking ganking is the height of fashion.


Why, you may ask, did I not adapt? Why not learn to PvP, get kitted out and show them what's what? Well, for one, it's usually not a fair fight and the odds were always stacked in their favor. I don't enjoy the world PvP game (structured PvP like Guild Wars guild battles on the other hand, completely different story) so I will never be great at it. More often than not gankers come in groups, and even if they didn't, I was a WoW holy priest. Yeah, you can guess how that worked out in PvE gear. Even the WoW devs said there could never be 1-on-1 balance, too many variables. Expansion days were the worst. Every patch was nothing but stress and ganking.


I ended up taking my four max level characters and paying a rather ridiculous amount of money to get away from it all. People end up on PvP servers for all sorts of reasons and they should always have the option to leave, preferably for free. It's fun as long as you want to play the PvP part, but it gets tedious fast if you want to do anything else. So there should be protections in place - easy transfers on and off such servers, clearer warnings about what type of play the server will encourage and maybe some way to appeal to a community police force or something for excessive gankers.


I understand your concern but there are PvE and PvP servers for a reason. I would support PvE players being allowed off PvP servers.


I just don't see why PvP players have to consistently be undervalued and second to PvE players for the sake of those PvE players not being able to adapt to the server they selected, and also for their convenience. I feel the PvP community rolls with the punches alot more than the PvE.


That being said the PvP community needs something fresh from an MMO. Rated Warzones are coming, thats great but it's back to the old Rated Battlegrounds in WoW. Full-scale world PvP is pretty unprecedented in current MMOs and it's something that it requires.


I would rather play Hello Kitty Online: Island Adventures, than play on a PvE server.


I never understood why people find ganking to be so horrid, and that it "stops them from doing their missions/dailies". Why are you even playing a multiplayer game? Half the fun when going out into a zone, is the chance that you will be jumped by the enemy faction.


Not sure you noticed, but there's a war brewing up. I just don't get why people need to be protected by mega-guards or shielded places because they want to level up and do their missions. There are so many instanced areas one can escape into/do one's quests - that it's almost silly. Furthermore, we don't even get any Valor/Commendations/Drops for killing enemy players on a PvP server, which is by far the worst problem with the game right now.


If you're scared of fighting thinking and calculating opponents, and would rather fight code - do not roll on a PvP server - but please, fix our PvP servers so they actually ARE PvP servers.

Indeed, this is a multiplayer game, that means interaction with the multiplayer online community, friend or foe.

Edited by Wolfgarrex
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Why are you even playing a multiplayer game? Half the fun when going out into a zone, is the chance that you will be jumped by the enemy faction.


What's fun for you is clearly not fun for everyone. I'm not a PvP player, but I enjoy cooperative play with other people. That's why I play MMOs. Are you saying that a game like, say, Guild Wars 2 could never possibly be fun because there are no factions and no World PvP? For anyone?


I understand some people like it and that's fine, more power to you on your own turf. But people should always have the chance to opt out when they've had enough. It's like dodge ball - fun for a while and then you get pummeled by balls.

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What's fun for you is clearly not fun for everyone. I'm not a PvP player, but I enjoy cooperative play with other people. That's why I play MMOs. Are you saying that a game like, say, Guild Wars 2 could never possibly be fun because there are no factions and no World PvP? For anyone?


I understand some people like it and that's fine, more power to you on your own turf. But people should always have the chance to opt out when they've had enough. It's like dodge ball - fun for a while and then you get pummeled by balls.


Yeah, but to take your point and turn it around, there is a large PvP community that would enjoy this change I think, personally I don't like PvE. Scripted fights that rely on other people just isn't my game, I prefer the reactive cooperation and real teamwork that PvP provides, not just each cog turning (as is pve).


However, i concede your point that no one should be forced into the gameplay I am suggesting, like nobody is forced into PvE.

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That being said the PvP community needs something fresh from an MMO. Rated Warzones are coming, thats great but it's back to the old Rated Battlegrounds in WoW. Full-scale world PvP is pretty unprecedented in current MMOs and it's something that it requires.


Aside form a few safe-zones, EVE online is pretty much PvP free-for-all, and the safe zones aren't exactly care-bear territory either. Coming to that game you have to accept that you may lose a fair amount of stuff to pirates and gankers and your only options are adapt or leave. I left because the game was giving me stress headaches.


The problem I see with the kind of server you describe is that it requires everyone to be up for PvP all the time, no choice, no recourse, death around every corner. Anyone who may enjoy PvP some of the time, but not always, would find themselves burning out rather quickly and I wonder if such servers wouldn't suffer from high turnover, which may not be good for the economy/community.


But as I should have said, it's something I can support easily, if only far away from me personally ;)


(As for PvPers being asked to accomodate PvEers - I think maybe the difference is that there is hardly going to be non-consensual PvE. I can't force you to kill a world boss with me, can I?)

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What's fun for you is clearly not fun for everyone. I'm not a PvP player, but I enjoy cooperative play with other people. That's why I play MMOs. Are you saying that a game like, say, Guild Wars 2 could never possibly be fun because there are no factions and no World PvP? For anyone?


I understand some people like it and that's fine, more power to you on your own turf. But people should always have the chance to opt out when they've had enough. It's like dodge ball - fun for a while and then you get pummeled by balls.


You actually do have a chance to get out when you've had enough - seeing as how you're getting 12+ stealth time after ressurecting in PvP combat while questing.


And yeah, GW2 is overhyped - I'm steering clear as I love Open World PvP.

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Give Valor for every single PVP area on every planet. I have typed this on tons of posts and I will continue to post these and the Valor is a MUST for you know another enemy in a PVP area on any planet. Come on Bioware it only makes sense!~~
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I never understood why people find ganking to be so horrid, and that it "stops them from doing their missions/dailies". Why are you even playing a multiplayer game? Half the fun when going out into a zone, is the chance that you will be jumped by the enemy faction.



Because most of the time the ganking is performed by a lvl 50 person/people.

My first open world pvp experience was being ganked by a lvl 50 guy. My second experience was the same.


I think it was at the end of Aldeeran where I could finally gank and be ganked by people of the same/similar level.


And ganking rarely stops anyone from doing their dailies as long as you are smart. Gankers want their victims to fight back or run away. If you just stop moving and wait for them to kill you off - they will get bored quite fast.



Anyways, I like open world pvp, just yesterday me (lvl29) and my friend (also lvl29) were looking near the imperial base on tatooine (oh yeah, we are rep) for victims - there were some in level range of 27-32. Guess what happend after few kills - a bunch of lvl50s came for us :-)



You actually do have a chance to get out when you've had enough - seeing as how you're getting 12+ stealth time after ressurecting in PvP combat while questing.


tell that to those lvl50 stealthers that wait for you to respawn and then kill you again :-)




And yeah, GW2 is overhyped - I'm steering clear as I love Open World PvP.


i think the idea of open world in GW2 is much better than in any other game that is 2-faction based


granted, the open area will be limited but it won't be a small one (it will be bigger than ilum/belsavis-lvl50 combined, which is where lvl50s should pvp in the open world)

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Mass pvp sounds like fun... but its not pratical.


Just for the fact that it would either crash the server or slow everyones PC down to 1 FPS.


We had a Mass PVP fight on Ilum a few times, with about 40-50 empires and republics on each side grouping up and fighting it out in the central area... and everytime we came close to eachother the universe stopped :)


Check out this 30-40 second clip to see why its NOT something we would want 24/7 :p




Fun for 5 mins... but just not playable.

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