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(Please give constructive critisizim)


"Naive" said Scrath "you thought you were powerful enough to beat me" he chuckled then said "I am the main Apprentice of Lord Vik, heir of Aloysius Kallig and Tulak Hord, and I am a Pureblooded Sith"


Scrath was tall and muscular he had two synthetic-bladed Lightsabers, he over three feet taller than his opponent a Sith Acolyte of the long dead Lord Skotia.


"I can beat you!!" the Acolyte screamed as he charged Scrath


Scrath simply parried a thrust and sent his second weapon into the Acolyte's chest. He chuckled as the Acolyte fell to the ground. Suddenly Scrath's holocom beeped, he answered it.


"Apprentice" said a very reformed rich voice (with the additional sound of the mask he was weiring) "Return to Dromund Kaas at once"


"Yes, Lord Kallig" Scrath said as he turned of the holocom, he thought of his master as he walked to his Fury class Interceptor, his master wore purple robes with crest like shoulder guards and he had a curved-hilt lightsaber. He was a very intimidating sight to behold. Scrath shook his head and stepped into his ship.


(I know it was short i may do anothr one today or tomorrow but i will do it soon)

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(chapter two part one of three)


Lord Kallig turned around to face Scrath and the other apprentices.


"I have been placed on the Sith Council after the unfortunate death of Darth Thanaton" Lord Vik Kallig "I am now Darth Imperius, and you will call me so"


"Yes my lord Imperius" Scrath said with a sneer as he bowed


"As you say my lord" said Ashara Zavros another apprentice


"yes my lord" said Dun another Pureblood apprentice


the other 3 apprentices Larath the Zabrak, Hurus the Rodian, and Nara the Twi'lek just bowed.

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