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Warzone AFKing:


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I was hoping this rotten practice would die with WOW... that a company would finally stand up to this ridiculous phenomenon that completely wrecks PVP.


I have seen 3-4 people in the last week who are deliberately non-participating in WZs. I'm not talking about when another team clearly is dominating and they have given up... no... I am talking about someone who moves their character from the starting area, and then just stand there the entire game.


After reporting these players, and seeing my tickets go locked... and then closed... I was curious to see the players still on my friends list without missing a single day. I decided to have a conversation with them and attempt to find out some more information:


NOTE: I understand first of all I am talking to someone who is already a proven scumbag so why would you trust what a scumbag says... well... here's why:


One of the guys on my list admitted to AFKing from level 10 to 50... and shocked that I had reported him. He had no knowledge he had even BEEN reported. He claimed to have not received a warning or ANYTHING about his behavior.


I think that's the best part of this whole scam. You have a company that will LOCK and DELETE the truth right under the carpet when people attempt to talk about hot topics like this on the forums... inevitably quoting some obscure rule system they have... which don't worry: I know you will... and you have a policy in reporting players that specifically states no further information will be given out regarding what happened. It's the PERFECT scam for a company to not even do anything about it.



You had a chance to finally kick this ignorant practice right where it counts: their pocket books. While I understand you feel its a volatile market right now... that outright banning this nincompoops may feel like a huge risk. But think about it, Mr.Marketing: 1) if they didn't care about the community anyway as proven by AFKing in the WZ, will you really miss this type of player? and 2) obviously they care about THE GAME and THE GEAR otherwise there would be reason to do what they do... so ban them and make them buy another account. Hopefully after awhile they may get the picture.


You had a chance to really make a difference in PVP. It's safe to say NO ONE wants WOW BG PVP again where literally 50% of the teams are AFKing... it's one of the main reasons I left that game a few years ago.


There's no excuse NOT to get rid of these players... although obviously you are attempting to protect them I guess.

Edited by FadeXF
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While AFKing in a WZ is kind of an a-hole thing to do, it's not really punishable, nor should it be. Its like afk'ing in an open zone. Should BW come up with a solution, yeah, but it's not violating their ELUA.


Calm down, really.

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While AFKing in a WZ is kind of an a-hole thing to do, it's not really punishable, nor should it be. Its like afk'ing in an open zone. Should BW come up with a solution, yeah, but it's not violating their ELUA.


Calm down, really.


Now i'm not going to read the whole ELUA to pull the qoute, but I'm sure there's a part in there about ruining others game play in a UN-designed way.


So move along, really

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While AFKing in a WZ is kind of an a-hole thing to do, it's not really punishable, nor should it be. Its like afk'ing in an open zone. Should BW come up with a solution, yeah, but it's not violating their ELUA.


Calm down, really.


So you feel that wrecking my play times is an acceptable loss?


The spirit of a WZ is to play against other players. Don't try to cut this cake any other way than that. If you want to AFK, you have miles of zones that you can just stand around in.


The reason is that you get xp and valor for doing nothing. So not only are you harassing MY play time... but you are also exploiting the game system in a way it wasn't designed. (If it WAS a game design, then they would just give us all 5-11k xp and whatever valor every 15-20mins for standing around.)

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So you feel that wrecking my play times is an acceptable loss?


The spirit of a WZ is to play against other players. Don't try to cut this cake any other way than that. If you want to AFK, you have miles of zones that you can just stand around in.


The reason is that you get xp and valor for doing nothing. So not only are you harassing MY play time... but you are also exploiting the game system in a way it wasn't designed. (If it WAS a game design, then they would just give us all 5-11k xp and whatever valor every 15-20mins for standing around.)


when is the AFK a cheat afk, or a weak bladder AFK? I am in agreement its bad play, but people do have to AFK occasionally.

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theres occasional afk'ing which can happen to anyone sometimes....whats being discussed here is people literally spending the entire match afk...or more likely at their keyboard, but alt-tabbed.


Not only are they putting "their" team into a 8v7 situation, they're taking up a spot that someone useful probably wanted.

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I luckily haven't seen much of this personally, but yesterday I did see a player on my team cloak and just stand inside a support-beam on the lowest level of the Pit for the whole game.


There may not be a way for BW to do anything about it right now, but I hope something can be done eventually. Having an 8 VS 6 because one guy left and another is AFK the whole match is annoying; I don't NEED to win every PVP match, but it's disheartening when I feel I'm playing well and we lose simply because we're outnumbered.

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when is the AFK a cheat afk, or a weak bladder AFK? I am in agreement its bad play, but people do have to AFK occasionally.


You and I both know that I'm not talking about some guy who stands for 2 mins once a week. And if you have that excuse every single WZ you afk... you honestly maybe should see a doctor.


Or the guys who are like: "Oh - I have low latency" - sorry but... you shouldn't be a burden to anyone besides yourself... you need to address your latency or FPS issues and not use those as excuses to be a burden on MY play times.


Yes: you are a cheater whatever excuse you are using to excessively AFK in WZs. And yes: you should get 1 warning and then a permanent account ban. The End. I don't care, frankly. I have a 2 year old son... and if he wakes up suddenly when I'm playing... or my wife needs me... whatever reason? I leave the WZ. If you can't do the same, you deserve a BAN.

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You and I both know that I'm not talking about some guy who stands for 2 mins once a week. And if you have that excuse every single WZ you afk... you honestly maybe should see a doctor.


Or the guys who are like: "Oh - I have low latency" - sorry but... you shouldn't be a burden to anyone besides yourself... you need to address your latency or FPS issues and not use those as excuses to be a burden on MY play times.


Yes: you are a cheater whatever excuse you are using to excessively AFK in WZs. And yes: you should get 1 warning and then a permanent account ban. The End. I don't care, frankly. I have a 2 year old son... and if he wakes up suddenly when I'm playing... or my wife needs me... whatever reason? I leave the WZ. If you can't do the same, you deserve a BAN.


got a bit directed at me that...

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I luckily haven't seen much of this personally, but yesterday I did see a player on my team cloak and just stand inside a support-beam on the lowest level of the Pit for the whole game.


There may not be a way for BW to do anything about it right now, but I hope something can be done eventually. Having an 8 VS 6 because one guy left and another is AFK the whole match is annoying; I don't NEED to win every PVP match, but it's disheartening when I feel I'm playing well and we lose simply because we're outnumbered.


Exactly... and to be frank: it's 100% picked up this last 1-2 weeks... I think it will 100% become the "norm" here if BW stands by and takes no action... people are now leveling "alts" and see no reason to NOT take advantage of this... especially when CLEARLY BW is doing nothing about it.


I work from home. I literally have my work CPU set up beside my home PC. I HONESTLY could so easily do this... but it's wrong... and I'm no hypocrit.


WOW BG PVP was completely ruined for me. Absolutely and completely broken. When 50% of your team is AFK... when EVEN JUST 1 PERSON is AFK the impacts to the game are substantial enough that you probably won't win. The odds just become an astronomically large mountain to climb.


If BW lets this happen to this game... I'm not joking: I'm done. If I want to casually pug some WZs in my spare time but continue to see AFKers, I will never come back... just like in WOW. It's no threat. It's a fact.

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Exactly... and to be frank: it's 100% picked up this last 1-2 weeks... I think it will 100% become the "norm" here if BW stands by and takes no action... people are now leveling "alts" and see no reason to NOT take advantage of this... especially when CLEARLY BW is doing nothing about it.


I work from home. I literally have my work CPU set up beside my home PC. I HONESTLY could so easily do this... but it's wrong... and I'm no hypocrit.


WOW BG PVP was completely ruined for me. Absolutely and completely broken. When 50% of your team is AFK... when EVEN JUST 1 PERSON is AFK the impacts to the game are substantial enough that you probably won't win. The odds just become an astronomically large mountain to climb.


If BW lets this happen to this game... I'm not joking: I'm done. If I want to casually pug some WZs in my spare time but continue to see AFKers, I will never come back... just like in WOW. It's no threat. It's a fact.


Rememeber in WAR when you got Pvp XP ( forgot the name ) for just camping war camps, you didnt even need to move or get pvp flagged,

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Rememeber in WAR when you got Pvp XP ( forgot the name ) for just camping war camps, you didnt even need to move or get pvp flagged,


Or even better the reward to the entire zone when zones switched... lol you could just camp your toon on an educated guess and hit space bar for some easy xp.


I guess that's a bit better than a WZ... since the impact is really nominal vs 8v8 when in fact is 6 or 7v8.

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