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Musical Cues. How to improve immersion.


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When I pause on Tatooine in the desert and take a moment to turn and gaze upon the twin suns *THEN * play the music from ANH when Luke gazed on the sunset.


When I'm on a speeder taxi tearing over the surface of Tatooine or about to duel a Sith Lord *THEN* you play "Duel of the Fates".


When I gaze upon the massed ranks of Droids I'm about to wade into with my Sabre drawn, *THEN* you play the Invasion theme from TPM...


Etc, etc, etc ad-infinitum.


Musical cues and the embedded sights tied to visual memory are an integral, and important part of SW.


Much like Eric Morecambe, you are playing all the right notes, just not necessarily in the right order (places).


Please fix it and you will improve immersion no end.:p


Cheers! :D

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