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Is there a main quest line for each planet?


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Didn't know if this was the best forum for the question or not :)


I've leveled mostly trough PvP and class quests as a republic side Sage. To avoid being over leveld for the class quests I've skipped almost all normal quests and Alderaan is more or less the only planet I did almost all quests on.


I also have a Vanguard alt that only quested up to the beginning of Taris.


On Alderaan you have the quest line that ends in you killing the false king, a rather epic end and good story. On Coruscant you have to "black bisector" story with the Gree. Both of these bring you all around the planet, ties different areas together and tells a story.


This got me to wonder. Is there a similar quest line for each planet? A story line for the planet?


Googling this give some hints that there is, but couldn't find a list of them or how you find them. It would be great to know witch initial quest that starts the story chain so you don't have to pick up every quest in the beginning hoping to get the right one :) Beacuse I would like to do them.


And on another note, is there a list of Heroics somewhere?



Edited by EverDawn
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This got me to wonder. Is there a similar quest line for each planet? A story line for the planet?

So far, I don't think there really is. Even the One you quote for Coruscant, the Gree one, doesn't start til after you've done the first sub-area (the Old Market), and only covers Black Sun and Justicar areas. Each planet seems to have more of a theme than a continuous story running through it. The King one on Alderaan doesn't go all the way to the end of even the character arc, IIRC.

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Every planet has a running story arc, a class arc, and then side quests. It's easy to tell which quest line is the story arc for a planet:


You can't abandon it.


This is also the mission arc that repeatedly leads to another mission each time, and there isn't a [Refuse] option in the conversation, either.


Tatooine's bonus series can't be abandoned, either, but that's just a bug.


Anyway, when you land on a new planet and get your missions, check which one you can't abandon; that's the main arc.


I have one character that I've leveled only doing the story/class arcs on the planets, and supplementing that with PVP & space battles.

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Hi all, thanks for the great answers!


So far, I don't think there really is. Even the One you quote for Coruscant, the Gree one, doesn't start til after you've done the first sub-area (the Old Market), and only covers Black Sun and Justicar areas. Each planet seems to have more of a theme than a continuous story running through it. The King one on Alderaan doesn't go all the way to the end of even the character arc, IIRC.


You are right. But reading the other post there should be one, or is this jsut the case with post capitol planets? Does anyone know?


Every planet has a running story arc, a class arc, and then side quests. It's easy to tell which quest line is the story arc for a planet:


You can't abandon it.


This is also the mission arc that repeatedly leads to another mission each time, and there isn't a [Refuse] option in the conversation, either.


Tatooine's bonus series can't be abandoned, either, but that's just a bug.


Anyway, when you land on a new planet and get your missions, check which one you can't abandon; that's the main arc.


I have one character that I've leveled only doing the story/class arcs on the planets, and supplementing that with PVP & space battles.


Thanks! This is a great answer! So the question then is, wich one are really good? :D


Also to access the bonus quest series for certain planets such as Nar Shaadra, Taria, Hoth (though it should be called Coldth), Tatooine, Alderaan, Voss etc (these are for republic) you need to finish the planet story line.


that IS good to know. Thanks, I did this search on Torhead. Are there any other bonus series? Else it is only Taris on my main that I seam to haven't done the main quest chain on, I must have done it on Nar Shaada beacuse I jsut did the bonus series after Alderan, hehe.

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Also to access the bonus quest series for certain planets such as Nar Shaadra, Taria, Hoth (though it should be called Coldth), Tatooine, Alderaan, Voss etc (these are for republic) you need to finish the planet story line.


Not true. Did only the class quests on Nar Shaddaa with my main and still got the bonus series. Same with Alderaan.

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There is a storyline in Coruscant--first it's taking out the gangs, then helping the Gree.


They can't be abandoned, and one leads to the next (except the first Gree, which is in minimap range when you turn in the last gang one).

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