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Kalyio and Me


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So I've been playing this game a few months now and honestly I LOVE IT.



I play an IA named Vender... I roleplay my character to the hilt when I'm playing solo... I'm happy to drop the act when grouped, I don't want to drag anybody into my own personal scene. But when playing solo, my girl Vender is fanatically devoted to the Empire. She's a love em and leave em kind of gal... She'll say anything to earn someone's trust, but when the job is over its a bullet to the head for you pal. She doesn't like leaving loose ends.


Ah, Kalyio... I looked up her dossier in the Codex and guess what... her Psych profile is pretty much a laundry list of things that my character is NOT. She hates subtlety, patriotism, obedience and being used. Well guess what? My character is a subtle obedient patriot that is using Kalyio for my own ends.


(I smell a sitcom!)


Yeah, it's been a rocky relationship. We don't agree on everything, but that's part of why I think this game is fantastic. Anyways, I'm already thinking ahead to my next character and I'm thinking 'why not play as Kalyio?' Why not play through the story again but from HER perspective? Sounds fun to me.




I already tried making a character that is just like Kalyio... female Rataki BH... already noticed that the makeup options don't let you make her look JUST LIKE my Kaliyo... anyone got advice on how I can make a character that is as close as possible to the NPC Kaliyo? Body type, face type, etc, spare no details.


Thanks yo!


- t

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