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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Tanks in PVP... uselss?


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The problem, OP, is that you're bad. Why would you attempt to play a tank playstyle without a group? Played properly, a tank is the most effective thing in PvP. Just hit Guard on a healer and move your character near him (it's not that hard, I assure you) and watch the wins and medals pile up.
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So, the solutions to tanks not being at all fun to play in early PVP that you have all came up with are as follows:


Don't PVP.

PVP with someone healing you to make up for the horrible game design.

Go to PVP but instead of doing anything just stand there and shield someone while taunting people to earn protection metals...


So.. yeah, about that "Fun", still not seeing it. All other classes I can go in alone and have fun. Be it snipping people on my agent, zapping people with lightning, healing, throwing down AOE with a trooper, or stealthing up to people and ***-stunlocking them until they want to scream then running away laughing.


All fun things to do, on a warrior I can... die a lot... yeah.. not so fun.

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So, the solutions to tanks not being at all fun to play in early PVP that you have all came up with are as follows:


Don't PVP.

PVP with someone healing you to make up for the horrible game design.

Go to PVP but instead of doing anything just stand there and shield someone while taunting people to earn protection metals...


So.. yeah, about that "Fun", still not seeing it. All other classes I can go in alone and have fun. Be it snipping people on my agent, zapping people with lightning, healing, throwing down AOE with a trooper, or stealthing up to people and ***-stunlocking them until they want to scream then running away laughing.


All fun things to do, on a warrior I can... die a lot... yeah.. not so fun.

So you want to play a class you don't like, a class with mechanics that you don't like... to have fun?


Interesting. Maybe I'll go roll a healer and just dps all the time.

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