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On the Outer Rim Territories, a fleet of Imperial Capital Ships were making a clear path through a field of asteroids. The small invasion force was on its way to the Mon Calamar home world of Dac. With Sith and troops prepared for the aquatic conditions on the planet. The leading Flag Ship, a Harrower-class Dreadnaught, The Hammer, came to a sudden halt.


At the bridge of The Hammar, Darth Wraek paced back and forth. His apprentice was kneeling beside him, meditating. Officer Mork Zaldo approached them with a small clipboard in his hand, he was currently in uniform but his custom blaster and his golden ranking mark showed him superiority over others.


"Sir, Darth Malgus would like a report of the situation." Zaldo said, he had a very stern voice and he showed no fear of the Sith Lords in front of him. But that sometimes changed depending on how angry they got. He soon realized to leave the room whenever Krad had a "tantrum". Men never died, but some got injured.


Wraek stopped pacing and approached Zaldo. His Sith Helmet had changed his voice to a higher and more radio-like tone. But he stood a foot taller than Zaldo, who was 5'10. And Wraek dressed in Naval Command Uniform. A long purple robe with a black cape, and his presence in the Dark Side made the cape seem sinister looking. His lightsaber that most of the crew has only seen activated once when Zaldo was promoted. A ceremony was made.


Wraek was unlike most Sith, he was heartless and cruel. But to only those that he thought deserved it, his crew loved him like a father and would die without hesitation for him. He was a naval genius and expert, which was why he was chosen to take Dac with a small invasion force.


"Zaldo, I will speak to him personally in my quarters along with my apprentice. For now, see if you can find another route to Dac, this delay has gone long enough." Wraek ordered and the officer dismissed himself.






Krad took his hoodie off and unveiled his Zabrak face. The horns circled the edge of the top of his head but never touched the center baldness. His tan skin was completely pale in some spots. If it wasn't for the yellow eyes and Imperial markings on his robe, most would think he is a Jedi. His curved-hilted lightsaber beamed a purple glow when activated.


Krad stood at 6 feet and 2 inches tall. Krad was a deadly machine when it came to fighting, most of the crew called him "Wraek's Iron Hand." Wraek has given Krad many missions that most Sith Lords can't handle nevermind apprentices.


Krad stood next to Wraek in the Commander's quarters. On the Holoterminal, a male Imperial Officer appeared at a desk. "Darth Wraek and his apprentice, Krad. Malgus has been awaiting your call. I am patching you through."


"Thank you, Corl."


The empty blueness of the Holoterminal blinked twice before a hooded figure appeared sitting on some type of throne. The figure had dark robes and a lightsaber could be seen on a table beside him. "Wraek. What news do you have to report?" A raspy voice came from the hooded figure.


Krad thought it was very odd, he's only ever seen Malgus in full armor and uniform. And his voice sounded clearer. He kneeled as soon as the Dark Lord of the Sith had spoken. Something surprised Krad, Wraek didn't kneel, and in fact he seemed a little angry.


"What are you not telling me about Dac?" Wraek said angrily but he did not raise his voice. The air in the room seemed to become dense around Krad.


"We need it to be invaded for its resources. What else is there to know?" Malgus commented and then let out multiple coughs.


"You have contacted me 4 times in the last day. You told me I could take as much as I need yet you seem so... rushing. I told you the last three times; we are almost out of the asteroid and will be arriving at Dac in about a day." Wraek said, the angry tone had lessened. But he was still stern.


"Dac is split apart. On one side its a very important ally for the Republic. On the other, Quarrens are dying to rid the Mon Calamar off their planet. Therefore since the planet is not officially Republic, we will take it and aid the Quarrens. If we take this planet, it will have a huge impact on the Republic. We control Dac, we control all of the Mon Calamari shipping companies."




That was a prologue a little intro to the 2 main chars. THis is a Sith story. I'm new to writing, tell me what ya think.

Edited by BrandonSM
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