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The First Lesson


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Ashara knelt before her master, sweat streaming down her crimson-hued face. Small sparks of dark energy crackled along her limbs. She had been hit with Force lightning before, but never from Lord Hariens' full power. "Master," she panted. "Why?"


"Because you're weak," Hariens sneered. "Because you're pathetic. Because you're a failure. But, most of all, because I can!"


Another burst from his hands set her on her back. Her spine arched, muscles contracting involuntarily under the assault. She could smell her flesh burning. She fought to keep from giving him what he wanted, but, eventually, the pain won out. She screamed.


He finally let up. "Apprentice Ashara. Why the Council saddled me with you, I will never understand. For three years, I have attempted to teach you the ways of the Sith, and you have shown nothing outside of your appearance to make me think you're truly one of their descendants." Hariens reach out with the Force and pulled her lightsaber to his hand. Placing it on his desk, he said, "You don't deserve this."


Ashara was finally able to roll onto her stomach. Every movement was painful, but she used the pain to stay conscious. As Hariens walked around her, he kicked her in the stomach. "On your knees!" She managed to pull herself up to a kneeling position, hands on the floor before her to keep balance.


Her master unhooked his lightsaber from his belt. "Do you have any last words before you die?"


She hung her head low, and could see her weapon on the edge of the desk behind her. Fighting to keep her voice steady, she said, "Do you remember the first lesson you taught me?"


"What was that, Apprentice Ashara?"


She reached deep inside herself, finding the hate she had nurtured from the day she first set foot on Korriban, and opened herself fully to the Dark Side. It healed some of her injuries, and fed off the pain of the rest. Power bled off her in waves. So much power, that Hariens took a step back, looking around to see who it came from. "Never show your true hand until the game is at an end."


She called her lightsaber to her, igniting it as it shot through the air. In one fluid motion, Ashara stood. Sweeping the violet blade upward, she cut Hariens from groin to just below his heart. She smiled, savouring the shock and pain in his eyes.


"I've always hated you. And your master told me to say goodbye for her." She finished the cut, and took what was her birthright. The title of Lord Ashara, Dark Lord of the Sith.

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