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"Going back" made me nauseous.


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Right now everyone seems to be trying to get BioWare to incorporate everything that other games have, then these same people will call this a clone of the game that it turned into. If everyone was so happy about some other game they would all be playing it right now. SWtOR is the best game on the market right now, hands down. Bugs and all.


Your so right, its absolutely amazing in all respects. :rolleyes:

Edited by Urko
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So BioWare is requesting we pay $15 bucks a month for Baldurs Gate III. I see. Interesting.


There is nothing wrong with bioware requesting us to pay 15 bucks for this, what is wrong is if you decide to pay it and dislike the fact it is baldurs gate III or KOTOR III or ME3 or whatever you want to call it. Moral of the story is don't like it, don't pay it, no one is forcing you.

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+1 on the got suckered into extra months with game card.

Recently found Rift. Oh my GOD, it's like night and day quality wise...

Uninstalled this cash grab and wild horses couldnt drag me back.


Why are you even here then? Obviously you liked something about SWTOR or you're just a hungry troll...

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lol, than clearly you can't see squat. TOR is not even close to being the best in its own genre, and I'm not sure that genre is the MMO genre since so many mmo features are lacking. World of Panda's as you called it is still going strong and they've seen crap like TOR assume they will kill it only to once again turn out to be a niche mmo that might go F2P in a few months. Don't insult WoW or Diablo 3 by comparing them to this.




I play both games. I enjoy both games. I am not, however, so blinded by devotion to one that I cannot see the good in the other.

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RIFT is a really lousy WoW clone that tries to cater to everone and thus fails. 20 levels worth of content stretched over 50 levels. I would rather deal with all the little "flaws" in SWtOR than waist money on RIFT. I like SWtOR, it isnt perfect but it really is a great game if you just quit trying to make it into some other game and play it. Sure, there are things I would love to see incoporated into the game - I am spoiled jaded like everyone else. But I am really having a great time with this game.


I don't know what imaginary version of Rift that you played, but Rift has more content and has had more content released than any other MMO of it's age. The endgame in Rift absolutely smokes swtor. Not to mention the graphics in Rift are better and they have all of the basic features that any modern MMO should have but somehow swtor neglected too include.


I don't even play Rift any longer but I'm not silly enough to even try and put this game in the same league. SWTOR is a niche game for fanboys. It will never have enough meat to keep serious MMO players occupied for more than a few months.


The only reason that I still have my sub for this game is because of my guild. We've already started talking about jumping ship because we've had it with the pathetic endgame, ridiculous bugs, and horrible UI/lack of basic features.

Edited by kidbs
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Hey all. Just sharing something about everybody "going back" to some other MMO because they're not satisfied with this one, for stupid reasons mostly.


All I can say is that I went back temporarily for some world events and... yeah, well, it wasn't pleasant.


I really can't imagine going back to some ugly MMO that looks like it was drawn by a bunch of 10 year olds.


SWTOR seriously seems to cater to a better crowd. I really don't care for the slight bugs (even though a lot of people are blowing them out of proportion...)


People criticizing that planets feel dead obvious are people that seem to enjoy sitting in cities, whilst every other area of "another MMO" are emptier, and even totally empty most of the time.


Seriously, SWTOR is a heavy contender. I can't even stand looking at this "other MMO" any longer.


That is it. I am definitely staying in SWTOR.


And you needed to share this because you felt special.

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