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I'll give you combat sents a little hope


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Hi guys, combat sentinel Ilis here! I've been reading so much about how combat is so bad since beta and I know this is not true. They do about the same damage depending on how the person plays the class.


I average 400k-600k in warzones as a combat, though, I have only recently started taking screenshots of the warzone scoreboard. I'll link a screenshot below


I don't use any kinds of stims or adrenals when I enter warzones. Here's one of my screnshots I took, enjoy!





Bashing a tank or a healer that are constantly getting heals does not = you doing your job as a sentinels.


When will the noobs learn that...


PS: Personal healer at same time, is even more fail...

Edited by OldxLady
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Bashing a tank or a healer that are constantly getting heals does not = you doing your job as a sentinels.


When will the noobs learn that...


PS: Personal healer at same time, is even more fail...


And what do you suggest doing exactly then? Attacking people not getting healed meaning the healers will be free to...heal them?


Sound logic there.

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Bashing a tank or a healer that are constantly getting heals does not = you doing your job as a sentinels.


When will the noobs learn that...


PS: Personal healer at same time, is even more fail...


So the goal isn't to kill healers? Wow, I must be doing things way wrong. And PvPing with a healer is fail? It's no different than having PuG heals. Disregarding completely the OP's actions and this topic, your statement is just a blanket fail.

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And what do you suggest doing exactly then? Attacking people not getting healed meaning the healers will be free to...heal them?


Sound logic there.


Not the greatest logic, but it's there. What he's not so eloquently stating and inferring is that a) damage total is padded by hitting tanks backed by healers and b) anyone with a competent pocket healer working with them will put up insane damage numbes.


And that's what people don't get when they say 'rofl sent/mara is fine!'. They're ignoring the fact they run with premades, they're ignoring the fact they have pocket healers, they're ignoring the fact they have much better gear than those they're facing.


Posting 'lol i did 600k damage in a wz l2play baddies' threads is disengenious at the very least, and generally just looking for 'ZOMG YOU'RE AWESOME TELL ME YOUR SPEC' posts.

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And what do you suggest doing exactly then? Attacking people not getting healed meaning the healers will be free to...heal them?


Sound logic there.


"sigh" If you realy are that clueless that you dont see whats the problem with what you said, I can't realy help you.


Just a hint. In a full pre-made you will focus healers together with the rest of the pre-made. This will lead to much shorter time on the target (as he wont realy get a chance to heal) and again lead to you having less damage.

Anyone can run of with the pocket healer and attack random target without actualy do any effective killing.

Edited by OldxLady
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He does better than you. I run with him all the time and I've seen you in Warzones...yeah...not like you're some Sentinel Guru. You're Watchman, I'm Watchman, he's Combat. He does better than either of us. Duel him, I dare you. Time doesn't matter, he does that pretty consistently. 4.7k blade storm crits ftw.


hmm, watchman is better. i can kill people fast an easy as combat no doubt, but you lack the self heals to fight 2 or 3 people at once like you can as watchman :/ combats my favorite spec by far, but its just not in the same league

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Hi guys, my main is a marauder, and despite full champ gear and having loved the carnage tree for leveling (combat mirror) I can never top about 320k in any wz. I get 400 ish in annhi (watchman mirror) and I never crit nearly as high as you with force scream (bs mirror). I've resorted to playing PT (I get 500k damage/game avg) now because I love dps, thats why I rolled a mara. I also loved ataru form. What I'm saying without being an mmo noob myself, any tips to do nearly the ammt of damage u do?
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