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Anyone tried 25/16/0 for 1v1?


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How is this spec for 1v1? In paper it seems like it will own any class (assuming similar skill/gear) since you can heal very well and dish good dmg with grav round




Anyone tried it and if so how does it works?



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How is this spec for 1v1? In paper it seems like it will own any class (assuming similar skill/gear) since you can heal very well and dish good dmg with grav round




Anyone tried it and if so how does it works?




If you don't get cell charger there's no point in grav round either, charged bolts will do more damage.

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Tt is indeed a very strong spec for 1vs1 and solo queue. I would personnaly not use the point in gravity surge (armor debuff is not that usefull by itself). And maybe try to reach 2/2 in tenacious defense (15 or 20 sec bump is really a strength).


Strong point of this build beside the bumps is the -10% damage taken, which stacks additively with stuff like Treated wound design (so in practice it is more than 10%).


The main problem of this build is that it is ammo heavy. You can't spam grav round near as well as a gunnery (with cell charger). You can have free charged bolt every supercharged cell, but...


Personnaly I find that 31/10 or 31/8/2 to be a better 1vs1 and in organized PVP. Because bacta infusion actually helps with ammo consumption (and provides healing burst) which can then be used or DPS.


If we think about it we have in theory all the tools to be a somewhat viable healer / dps without talent points. IF one could spam charged shot all day, one could achieve high single target DPS without going in a DPS tree. The real purpose of trees is to make the ability cost viable. This, and the cell-restricted talents, limits to me the usefulness of hybrid builds.

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Does cell charger really makes that big difference to be able to spam grav round?

Also if u dont spec into grav round wouldnt you be missing as lot of dps? I tought grav round>>reg round


Ive responded to another person with a similar build earlier today. One problem with this build is that (like the above posters have said) it's very ammo heavy. The biggest problem I saw with it (I run a similar build for pvp) is that to heal effectively you need to use combat support cell, meaning grav round is relatively useless and you might as well use charged bolts, since it's free when using scc. To make the most of grav round you should be using armor piercing cell, which means you cannot heal or use your emergency burst heal skills.


I personally roll this for pvp: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800bfRRRdcbzZMIkrM.1


PS It seems that steadied aim is bugged for pvp and doesn't actually decrease pushback, so the necessity of this skill is questionable, maybe put it into advanced tech and armor screen.

Edited by dogenzakaminion
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After reading the replies I changed the build a bit




Dont think i am misssing too much healing (remember this is a 1v1 build mainly)

The idea behind this build is to be the best 1v1 class/spec and be able to beat any class/spec 1v1 assuming similar gear/skill

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There is no point in having both Cell charger and Supercharged Cell talent as they boost different weapon cell.


A more suitable hybrid build would be something like this (using Combat support cell)



With these builds you need to use Grav round when not in supercharged cell buff, and Charged bolt when the buff in on. Grav round still does a little more damage than charged bolt, as it is a tech skill, less avoided by oponent, and has 3% more crit (with talent).

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If I understand the descriptions correctly, Charged Bolts and Grav Round have very similar base damage. However, Grav Round can reduce 4% armor rating for 15 seconds up to 5 times. This equals a 20% armor reduction, right? That's a huge boost to damage done relative to Charged Bolts.


The problem still remains cast time. Charged Bolts and Grav Round are slooooooow. I do better dps whacking groups of players/mobs with my AoE attacks.


it comes down to how you want to play your combat medic, and i personally haven't settled on what i want to do yet:


primary healer with ample opportunities to pump out damage with AoE and Charged bolts,


or focus more on putting out slightly more damage by using grav rounds and charged bolts and AoE and devoting far less time to healing.


Both assume you're using CSC.

Edited by Buckit
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