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My Marauder PvP or PvE spec and tips


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So, lvl 49 and on a PvP server, so many of those levels are from warzone xp.


I have tried several specs but the following is what I have settled on... 2/8/31




So in the Anni tree, the points spent lowering the CD/rage cost on smash are invaluable, that is a given and ppl that miss that skill, I think, are mad.


In Carnage dual wield is an obvious one, as well as the reduced damage bringing our total damage reduction to 4% from talents. Narrowed hatred is another such skill giving stats from talents, thats three skills which save room for other stats on our gear.


In the rage tree;

- Left off strangulate as the points are better spent elsewhere for the amount of times you will need that pushback protection.

- Leaving off ravager as the CDs of our big hitters work in well with the pre-talented CDs of ravage and force choke. This is probably a preference thing as I keep smash on CD after getting shockwave and dominate up.

*** if you prefer, take points off viscious slash or the heal (get more from WZ medpacks anyhow)

-Leaving off relentless fury as I think popping the fury stacks on any of our three options is pretty situational and rarely used compared to the other talents' contributions.



So I levelled into the rage tree till the shockwave/dominate were filled, then pointed dual wield, finished rage and then personal pref for Anni/Carn filler priority.



Pretty well same rotation for PvE and PvP;

Cloak of pain > Force charge > Force crush > Battering assault (sets up Dominate, and Shockwave perfectly to 4 stacks) > Smash > Force Scream > Obliterate > Ravage > finisher (whatever you like really, by now, a slow or heal reducer, CC, saber ward, unleash if you have full resolve, or ready for another leap after knock-back)...

-Only difference in PvE is that in AoE situations, I'll often Pommel strike a stunned target after smash, and slow/kick someone after scream.




As for stats, ppl say get crit to 30-35%, might be ok at 50 with great gear, but since we get free crits anyway, I say get it to 25% (and of course get your accuracy to at least 100%) and then start thinking about other stats too. I go for (after strength) power and surge, these give me HUGE crit smashes (at 49, with <49 gear) and I can clean up anyone 1v1 with that combo of force abilities.


any criticisms, be nice ;)

Edited by Pestalencia
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