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Ovan's adventures


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Entry 1: Mandalorians This might contain bad material like nudity, making out and blood.





The ship was flying in the sky. My friend, Shae Vizla and I were on a mission to smuggle imperial weapons. We were gonna get a huge amount of credits. Our ship was amazing. It was a Rouge Shadow equipped with proton torpedoes and super fast blaster turrets. We also had a big crew of mercenaries and gunslingers. "Uugh. Incoming starship. Everyone prepare yourselves for a freakin' amazin' fight."



A sith starship was coming at us. It didnt look very strong and the fight wasnt long, the ship got hit by a missle. We got the weapons and completed our mission. One of our crew members, Durge, went over there to see if there were any survivors. "We got an armed twi'lek. The others are dead." The twi'lek's name was Vette. She said that she knew where a secret trade center was. Nar Shadaa was our destination.



As we neared a building, I saw a cantina. A few minutes later, We were there. This place was illegal. The cantina was full of hot pole-dancers. There were many people there. There was also a hutt there. He seemed ultra rich. He had girls in bikinis makin' out with him. This was now our place. We had a lot of fun. We danced, drank, and ate. The alderaanian grazer meat was really good. I even made friends with some of the dancers. One asked me to see my ship.




The doors opened. About 21 armed Mandalorians walked in. "Give us you're creds and no one gets hurt. They cuffed the hutt and his guards. Plasma bolts hit glass bottles and the drinks went everywhere. Shots were being fired to scare the people. Bam. I hit one in the back. He fell down. Blaster shots were coming from every part of the cantina. The mandalorians were falling hard on the ground. A really tall mandalorian shot Shae and she fell down. She was almost killed. I was shooting at him but it was no use. His armor was too strong. All of the sudden, one of the dancers stabbed him in the back. He fell and blood started coming out of his back. "Hello, my name is norulia and i'm a trained assassin. What's you're name?"


"Ovan. Do you know the entrance to the illegal trading center ?"

"Yes. Follow me. I'll lead you to it." We followed her

Edited by AssassinNick
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Entry 2: The theft and the cops







She led us to a door that was in the kitchen. It was kinda small. A stairway was behind it. It led to a bridge. As we crossed the bridge, we started to see kiosks and cantinas. Degaro the Hutt was protected by body guards. Kaan'Ozun, a creature vendor had a lot of caged animals. There was a miniature rancor and a lot of Tatooine Dewbacks.



There was also a big shop full of clothes and robes. The second floor had gear. I was looking for a weapons kiosk. My blasters were getting a little rusty. "Hello. What would you like?"Asked the weapons merchant.



"I would like you're finest blaster pistols""29,999 creds"I bought them. Shae saw a huge building. It was full of people carrying items and goods. They were trading them and sending them to places by ships. A Slave I starship was being loaded by 2 rodians. We traded some items we had in our ship. We got about fifty thousand .



We boarded the ship. Slave I was pretty big. Cargo was probably it's main purpose. The ship was about to launch. As we boarded it, we defused the steering system, and the engines and stole they're cargo. As we got out we saw cops flying to our location. Vette talked to the rodians and the rodians decided to come with us.



We stealthed passed the cops. We had to be really quiet and sneaky to get past the cops. There were a lot of us. Well not a lot just 7.Instead of opening doors, we had to climb up the walls and use jetpacks to not break our cover. We climbed up to the roof. All of the sudden, a security officer came up and hit me in the face and I got arrested. Shae was still up there with Durgo, Vette, and Norulia and the rodians. The people down here were all getting arrested.



The hutt even got arrested. Vette and Durgo assaulted the cops and freed me. There were more cops though. We took some of them out. We got out just in time.

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Entry 3: Assault







We joined the Black Forest guild. It was full of smugglers and bounty hunters. The leader had a stolen lightsaber. Rouge Shadow was traded for a CEC CR90 Class Corvette. It was pretty big. There were turrets everywhere. A guild member, Vilmarh Jahn, was traveling with us to the fleet. We were gonna warn them of an upcoming attack on Coruscant.



The starship was pretty fast. It was loaded with weapons and armoring. There were also a lot of rooms. I was in the training room, shooting at targets. My LL-30 blasters were shooting through them like crap. Mako, another guild member was there too. She was a master slicer. We neared the fleet. The fleet was full of troopers.



There were a lot of soldiers in the cantina. We were told that the supreme chancellor was in the Medical Bay of the Sea Dragon. We were gonna warn him. "Hey. excuse me oh supreme one," We started talkin' to the chancellor"We need to warn you about something. The imperials are gonna attack Coruscant" Said Norulia. We got about 10,000 credits each for warning him.



"We need to go, now."We boarded the Corvette. The republic army and navy came with us. As we neared the senate tower, we saw jedi and troopers spreading out and getting into taxis. The whole planet was warned. The imperials finally got here. Some of the ships got shot down. Plasma bolts rained from the sky. They were trying to conquer the tower. Mako and Gharv were sniping imperials. Vette, Shae, some guild members and I stormed a whole squadron of imperials.



Vette got shot. We had to protect her. A guild member threw a thermal grenade at the imperials. Some of them fell down, bleeding. We killed the remaining imperials and took the injured hostage. As I carried Vette to the ship, I noticed that a lot of blood was coming out of her shoulder. Shae and I started to sprint to the ship. In the ship, there was a medical room. Shae was carrying one of the injured imperials. She tied him to a table. We put her on a bed and X7-B81 (our medical droid) and I started to operate on her shoulder. She was bleeding a lot.



We patched it up just in time."Uugh. My shoulder stings really bad. What happened?" She asked "Vette!" Shae hugged her, "Stay here, watch a show on the holo-screen or something" Vette moved her shoulder a bit and she said it was stinging like heck. A missle shook the hangar. We got out and started to attack. A blaster shot zoomed over our heads. "Too much of them ! Retreat!" They all went into the ship and got on the turrets. I opened the door and started shooting imperial droids. The turrets were firing. Durge started to help me out.



A giant droid made a giant hole in the wall. Concrete went everywhere. The droid was blasting our ship. We had to get in and blast off. We were only hovering abouve the ground. The blaster turrets fired at a really fast speed. One of the guns fell of the droid. Missles skinned the surface of the ship and almost blew up. Proton torpedoes were getting shot now. The droid fell back and exploded. The assault was a failure. We won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Entry 4:Blaster Backup






"Ovan. I need some help" "What is it Vette?"I asked. "I got a call from my sister. A hutt baught her and she's now a pole dancer. We need to free her. We flew to Nar Shadaa. There was a cantina that had a lot of dancers. "Over here. Vette! I can't believe you came !" "Alezia? I missed you so much!" They hugged." Who's you're friend?""Ovan, nice guy"

"You guys need any help. I have a few friends. They're republic troopers. They're trying to arrest my owner. Help them. That will make me free." We agreed. Durgo, Shae, Norulia, and the others were hired to capture a gangster. Shazel and Khronos were the troopers names. They were both generals in the republic army.




Shazel was drinking some imported alchohol from Quesh. Khronos was with him too. "Hey guy" They looked at me."Whee ned suma ber"" Get up drunk hippies. I need you're help." They decided to come with us. We slammed the doors open. Body guards were guarding an entrance. Khronos fired a missle that hit one of them and killed them both. There was the hutt. Vette tazered him and shot his arms off. I shot 2 of the guards down. The others were knocked out by khronos and Shazel. Vette went back to the ship and got about 15 guild members. The cantina was now Black Forest property. The troopers decided to get some other soldiers to join the guild. The guild was republic so they didn't get in trouble. The guild was paid millions to be republic.




Vette came to me. Her sister was free and decided to be a jedi. "Thx Ovan!!!!" "You're welcome" I replied. She kissed me and we kissed and kissed and kissed and kissed and kissed and kissed........

Edited by AssassinNick
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Entry 5: life is fun







Vette and I were now dating. A few days ago, we were at a party. It was full of dancers, bars, food, drinks and people. People were singing and dancing. Vette danced really good. We partied for a really long time. Shae and Durgo were dancing with each other. Norulia was dancing with this one zabrak guy. They didn't have they're armor on. Just clothes.



Durgo slapped her butt. Vette and I were having a really good time. We started talking about things in the corner. The party was super epic. It was in the cantina of an inn on nar shadaa. Vette and I rented a room and Shae and Durgo rented a room. After the party, we all went in our rooms and laid in bed. I was going into Shae and Durgo's room. They were in bed and Shae was hugging Durgo. A holo-screen was on. They were watching Elite Performers on REC (Republic Entertainment Channel).



It was talking about Rickie Karsen, a famous dancer from Ilum. He performed a dance. He was doing insane tricks and flips. "Want to play some huttball ?" Asked Durgo. We were pros in this sport. Durgo was a champion and always played as a Rot-Worm. We went to the pit and signed up for the Rot-Worm team.



The game was starting. There was a jedi on our team. He used the force to make us stronger."5...4...3...2...1...Neutral Ball!!! Lets go berserk"said the announcer. We ran for the ball. Norulia sniped a player. Durgo grabbed the ball and jetpacked to the end."Score. Rot-worms are having a good start !" A sith entered. Lightning was fired at Shae. She dodged it just in time and fired missles at the sith. I threw a flash grenade to a group of people from the other team.



The flash grenade covered a lot of area. It bought me some time to sneak by and grab the ball. I shot this one bounty hunter's jetpack. He exploded. The body fell on someone and killed her. In a few minutes, we won.

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