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What build would be best for 1v1s in pvp?


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Hi. My assassin is currently level 18, and I am planning to focus on pvp in the endgame and doing warzones in addition to class and planet quests while leveling. I am a Darth Maul fanboy, and when I chose this class I pictured being having some epic 1v1 fights. It may be a dumb question, but what would be a good tree/build to invest in to beat most classes in 1v1? Any info is appreciated!
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Yeah, I rarely play my Sin right now. I figure I'll wait for the patch. But I do PvP and space dailies still. And when I picture what would happen if Wither gave Harnessed Darkness, like it will? It would be a very, very solid spec I think. Maybe even bordering on overpowered 1v1. Damage won't be huge, but your survival power should be quite spectacular.


EDIT: Although, one thing to remember, the heals in PvP are deduced by 30%. So a 3-stack will heal you for 8% of your HP, not 12%. When I was PvPing earlier today, I was getting 272 a tick. And 272x4=1088. And assuming that's 8%, then 100% is 13600, which sounds about right for my Sin. He's sub-50 skill, bolstered up.

Edited by Sabbathius
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That's interesting. So is it safe to say that while a tank spec may "hit like a wet noodle", it can outlast most classes in a 1v1 fight? I know that ops or scoundrels may go down easier, but how does a tank sith assassin do against an equally geared juggernaut/guardian?
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That's interesting. So is it safe to say that while a tank spec may "hit like a wet noodle", it can outlast most classes in a 1v1 fight? I know that ops or scoundrels may go down easier, but how does a tank sith assassin do against an equally geared juggernaut/guardian?


It's honestly hard to say. The way I look at it, aside from your natural tankiness, your Wither (which would be your opener probably) will shave off another 5% off of their damage. Which is nothing to sneeze at.


Then, CC is quite important. Currently Juggs can charge you, knock you back/down, charge you again and force choke. I think that fills up your resolve, but I'm not sure. Haven't touched my Jugg in ages, I prefer a Mara. On the other hand, you can knockback, knockdown (Spike usable out of stealth), Electrocute, etc.


Then, you have to think about just how well your opponent knows your class. If he knows to watch for a triple stack of HD and he knows not to waste time trying to interrupt Force Lightning, and will instead save his CC for it, you won't get much mileage out of it. On the other hand, if you pre-emptively CC him before doing the FL, you might get a full benefit.


It's also not the only heal Sins get. Overcharge Saber will heal you for 10% with talent in Darkness tree. Hits while under Dark Charge itself will also heal you, though it's a static heal that doesn't scale with gear, and someone at Bioware should be fired for it. All in all, I can see a fair bit of passive or near-passive healing while you are doing damage. Can't hurt.


The question is, do these heals + tanking mean it's enough to kill someone not getting heals but doing considerably more DPS? I'm not so sure. I have a Marauder, and I would be very hesitant facing one with all cooldowns up as a tank Sin. Annihilation spec will do 80% of its damage with bleeds. And Carnage will ignore 100% of the armor. In other words, they can counter your defenses rather heavily.


Time will tell. It's all theorycraft at this point.

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some ppl will prefer deception, some will prefer darkness, if u are in deception you are squishy but you hit hard, if you are darkness, u last longer but hit less hard, and for some gay reason, force/tech attack ignores your shield QQ, so if u have a low dps output, healers will lol at you but melee dps will go "AAW FK NOT THAT GUY AGAIN!" Edited by ReFlexionn
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some ppl will prefer deception, some will prefer darkness, if u are in deception you are squishy but you hit hard, if you are darkness, u last longer but hit less hard, and for some gay reason, force/tech attack ignores your shield QQ, so if u have a low dps output, healers will lol at you but melee dps will go "AAW FK NOT THAT GUY AGAIN!"


Healers will LOL at you, that's for sure. But that's if you're trying to kill them. If you are just trying to shut them down, they too will go "AAW FK NOT THAT GUY AGAIN!"


What I mean is, first heal gets zapped, second spiked, third zapped again, then knockback, etc., etc. With interrupt on 12 sec, knockback on 20 sec and spike on 30 sec, plus force pull used to interrupt and pull them away from the fight with sprint, and then the regular CC, you can shut him down for a very long time. Not as long as a Marauder can, with talented interrupt being 6 second CD and charge (which can be done point blank) acting as a second interrupt on 10 sec CD, but it's still quite annoying.


That's essentially your job, as Darkness sin. Not to kill, but to wreck the other team's cohesiveness. They focus, you taunt. They have a healer, you shut him down. He may not die, but he won't be doing much healing with you around. As Deception, you would try to kill the healer. Get burst down in 3 seconds, and that's the end of it.

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